Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Adhyatma - Spirituality

Spirituality is at the heart of the Vedas. You touch any cell of the Vedas you are bound to be pumped up

by it. You touch any point on the Veda you are bound feel this heart beat and experience a rhythmic beat

of your own heart. Now, ideally speaking, spirituality should be dealing with the spiritual world just as

science deals with the physical world. Vedas have laid a good foundation for this. This foundation is also

useful for the border areas of consciousness and entry and exit of life in the physical world. Concept of

soul and God is basic here much like the concept of zero and one, or one and infinity in mathematics. Zero

feels reassured and joyful in the presence of one. The infinity can playfully watch and support infinite

finites such as one and all of their combined incarnations and adventures.

Science has progressed by leaps and bounds even though it has barely any idea about the ultimate origin

and most fundamental nature of the physical world. Similarly, even though the ultimate nature and origin

of the spiritual world is not clear it is possible to make good progress. The tools such as objectivity, reproducibility, statistical significance, truthfulness are essential here. In this context arguments such as

"I am a believer, mine is right because someone said so, all others are wrong and must be persuaded,

persecuted, cursed, converted or killed" must be recognised as one of the worst man-made tragedies in

man's entire history still unfolding. Knowledge of the Vedas can help us in avoiding this huge blunder.

Here are a few suggestions from the Vedas about how the twin intelligences-soul and God - interact with

the physical world. In in Sukta 9.9 and 9.10 Rishi Brahma says that:

This body with its sense organs takes one towards where the universe gets its support.

Rishis say, That One is responsible for every action and growth while more contemplative and detached

ones say He is within every one.

Soul was formed independently; sense organs are born when soul takes up a body of matter and shine as

required by it in the specific form.

Soul is not created by the group of physical bodies.

In the world soul and God are like two birds on a tree where the former eats all the fruits of his actions

while the latter keeps shining.

Those who get absorbed in the God and arise enriched get the foremost and lasting sweetness but not

those who are unaware of Him.

Because of His worshipable quality Rishis have separated Him from the worshipper.

God has combined and mixed his powers very well throughout the universe.

Intelligent learned ones call the one God by different names.

May God who has all past and future in His hands hand over my past and future into my hands.

In different verses of Sukta 10.2 Rishi Narayana says:

God stitched the mind and heart together and stood above the head.

This head is a great reservoir of good qualities and is protected by the breath and food.

Whatever maybe the way one is born one is called Purush if one understands Puram - the perfect one


This perfect body with eight centers and nine gates is the victorious city (Ayodhya) of gods. In it the golden

powerful soul is enveloped by the divine light of God. Brahma jnanis know this light which is of the same

nature as the soul.

God has entered this joy giving, bright, sorrow removing, never defeated city (my body).

(This last sentence is the way spirituality is made a living experience and Rishi Brahma's last sentence is

the best way of going about it)