Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

Oh Men!

1.5.2 Oh men! share with each other the sweetest juice that you possess, like the loving mothers do, and

attain the joyous state. (Sindhudweep)

2.11.1 Hey men! you are the opposer of injustice; you are the spear of spear; you are the diamond of

diamond; access the ones with higher abilities and surge ahead. (Shukra)

3.24.7 Hey men! Yoga and Kshema (acquisition and maintenance) are your two guards. (Bhrigu)

5.16 Hey men! whatever you may be, produce, produce, produce, or else you are sterile. (Vishwamitra)

6.62.2 Hey men! begin to learn and spread the Vedavakyas which have infinite ability to support universal

wellness. (Atharva)

6.64.1 Hey men! know each other, meet each other and experience oneness. (Atharva)

7.72.1 Hey men! arise! search out the ever-present mines of wealth. (Atharva)

9.5.9 Hey progressive one! like a hero, overcoming hardships climb up to the elevated position where men

of good deeds reach. Being one who has been gifted with the same materials and tools that God has,

satisfy by yourself in all the completeness of existence and a joyful life. (Bhrigu)

12.2.42 Hey non-meat eater! hey fire-like one! take out the defect of meat eating and bring in the behavior

worthy of praise by the learned. (Bhrigu)

12.3.53 Hey men! accept great tasks, acquire desirable qualities, clear up all the dirt from yourself. Reach

the bright future which is equally open to all. (Yama)

13.3.1-26 Hey men! it is a crime against God to torture a learned Brahmin. Any such one may get shaken,

bound and destroyed. (Brahma)

18.2.10 Hey men! gift yourself again and again to great men and keep acquiring brilliance and ability to

support. (Atharva)

18.3.73 Hey men! constantly purifying yourself, keep rising and advancing in all directions. (Atharva)

20.34.16 Hey men! He who Himself has no parents but is present beside us in the form of our own parents

and who knows what we do is the God. (Gritsamada)

20.96.10 Hey man! I have found you, I am holding your hands. You have been renewed and rejuvenated.

With all the organs of knowledge you have regained your ability to see. I have regained a full life for you.


20.136.13 Hey Men! certainly give up philosophy of terror as if it is a burnt food.

20.137.2 Hey Men! be the ones who add to wellness. Be the ones who prevent destruction. Grow, spread

wellness, spread cheer in all directions. (Shirimbhiti)

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