Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

O Learned Ones!

1.30.2 Learned ones! with all the knowledge that you have, save hundreds of lives and earn fame.


1.31.2 Hey learned ones! you are the protector of all hopes; save us from poverty and all sinful activities.


3.20.1 Hey learned! God has sent you here. See your source, arise, awake and make us prosper.

6.131.1 Hey learned ones! using ancient and the modern knowledge show the correct way. Make yourself

lovable and enable growth of wealth. (Atharva)

10.5.14 Hey learned ladies! you are a part of the shining God, hey wonderful ladies! among the learned,

display great strength. (Sindhudweep)

7.141.3 Hey learned ones! fill up science and self confidence in us and grow all the good qualities gifted

to us by our parents. (Vishwamitra)

7.99.1 Hey learned ones! grow the platform of knowledge in all directions. Don't use it for exploiting the

present. (Atharva)

7.105.1 Hey learned ones! moving away from violence and killings, accepting divine guidance, following

good principles, move together with all friends. (Atharva)

11.1.36 Hey learned ones! widen the roads for success in life and for reaching Him. (Brahma)

20.89.1 Hey Learned ones! with the voice of truth suppress the untruth of your enemy. (Krishna)

20.89.2 Hey learned ones! awaken the heroic people with your teachings and encourage them to be

generous to the deserving. (Krishna)

20.127.4 Teach, teach, teach, like the way birds chirp on the top of a fruit bearing tree. If you don't, when

loss and sorrow engulf, the tongues of men and women will be moving like knives.

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