Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

Oh Rogues!

2.14.5 Hey Pains! whether you are related to body, related to genetic connections, induced by others, or

caused by enslavements, get out of here at once. (Chatana)

2.32.5 Hey Worms! I pull off your horns, I break your reservoirs of poison. (Kanva)

5.26.1 Hey sinner Obstacle! leave me, come under my control and turn favorable. Keep me free of troubles

in a joyful state. (Brahma)

6.84.1 Hey Poverty! I know the way to free the ones trapped in your jaws. (Bhagah)

6.89.3 Hey Enemy! may my life energies and all the scientific knowledge and the whole earth join you with

me. (Atharva)

8.6.3 Hey Disease! stop roaming about between the thighs. I am making a strong medicine to save this

lady from bad name. (Matrinama)

12.2.1 Hey Rogue! get on to the trap, you have no place here. My treatment is for you. Whatever horrible

diseases you are in our people and animals, get off and go away. (Bhrigu)

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