Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

Hey God!

1.1.1 Oh God! give me today the knowledge of the entire universe. (Rishi Atharva)

1.1.2 Oh God! come again and again. Joyfully move with me illuminating my mind. (Atharva)

1.2.2 Hey God! for victory keep us humble; make our bodies strong like stones; keep our enemies and

hatred away. (Atharva)

2.16.4 Hey God! with your power of purification clear those deficiencies by which we are hated or due to

which we hate others. (Chatana)

3.1.8 Hey Praiseworthy! you complete us, you protect us, heroic I and you have the same origin. I bind

you with that power. (Atharva)

4.15.3 Hey God! display your clouds to the singers. May water flow in rising currents. Enrich the soil with

rain water and let the whole variety of plants grow. (Atharva)

4.25.6 Hey God! you complete our mind, intellect and our joyful state. Give us wealth rightfully and save

us from trouble. (Mrigara)

4.40.1 Hey God! may all those who are attacking me and coming to gobble me will meet with you. With

your support I am chasing them. (Shukra)

5.6.11 Hey God! You are our house. We enter you with everything that we have. (Atharva)

5.25.10 Hey God! establish a beautiful baby in the womb of this lady to be born in the tenth month.


11.2.9 Hey God! salutations to you four times, salutations to you eight times, salutations to you ten times

for all these gifts of life. (Atharva)

17.1.20 Hey God! You are pure and bright. Likewise, may I too be. (Brahma)

17.1.21 Hey God! You are Love. Likewise, may I too be loving towards all life and toward the brilliance of

Brahmins. (Brahma)

19.60.1 Hey God! may there be voice in my mouth, breath in my nose, eyesight in my eyes, hearing ability

in my ears, freshness in hair, rigidness in my teeth, and strength in my shoulders. (Brahma)

19.60.2 Hey God! may there be strength in all my organs and may my soul never fall down. (Brahma)

20.70.10 Hey God! the Fierce You, with your fierce tools, protect us during our struggles. (Madhuchanda)

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