Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

Value of Anger

Typically, in religious or spiritual literature anger is derided as one of the highly undesirable qualities. But

in the Veda, there is some praise for anger too. Here in Sukta 4.30 Rishi Brahma Skanda describes a typical

situation where anger may be needed.

4.30.2 Hey Anger! flare up like fire and become able to achieve the goal. You are invited and you are our

Army -in-Chief. Defeat the enemies and disperse the terrorists.

4.30.5 Hey Anger! you never use bad words, you bring victory, you are a hero, you are our Lord. We

applaud your good name and we know the great source (God) from whom you come.

4.30.6 You are like a diamond, you are born with other great powers; you are often invited by many. You

are our friend when used with proper thinking.

4.30.7 Hey great hero! you collect and create for us spiritual as well as social wealth. May the enemies

keeping many kinds of fears in their hearts run away and vanish.

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