Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

Salutations - Namaste - to Enemies

In a unique and wonderful approach Vedas describe a process of bowing down to negative qualities too

as a way to get rid of them. Accept them, respect them and request them to go away! In 5.7 Rishi Atharva

brings it out like this:

5.7.1 Hey poverty! (Adana Shakti), come near, don't stand apart, don't keep our gifts away. We bow down

again and again to you, the non- growth, miserliness and poverty!

5.7.2 Hey Poverty Power! we bow to the outspoken person you are pushing forth. Please do not disappoint

my devotion.

5.7.3 May our devotion gifted by the great grow day by day. May we able to search out the Adaana Shakti-

poverty and miserliness. Our salutations to them.

5.7. 6 Hey Adaana Shakti! do not disprove our words or our commitment. May our life and hard work

bring much wealth for us. Hey all our qualities of generosity! meet and oppose the Adaana Shakti today.

5.7.7 Hey Poverty! go away. We are pulling out your spear. I consider you as one who penetrates deep

inside and bites.

5.7.8 Hey Poverty! falsifying one's determination and ability to think, you shamelessly enter inside when

people are a bit sleepy and lazy.

5.7.9 I have saluted the cruel poverty wearing a golden dress and which has become strong and has spread

in all directions in order to save myself from the path of dishonor.

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