Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 28

Power Statements

In Vedas we can find a large number of statements made by the Rishis which when heard by someone

seem to have the power to leave him transformed, such as recovering from a difficult illness. Obviously,

some background preparations will have to be made and some preconditions will have to be met for

success of these power statements.

1.3.1 We know the all-powerful armed God. With that knowledge I make you free of the disease. May you

prosper on this earth, may your enemy get out. (Atharva)

1.10.3 Hey man! you have uttered many lies and sinful words through your tongue. I free you from them

through the truthful and righteous God, the King. (Atharva)

1.18.3 We take out and destroy whatever dangerous there is in your soul, body, mind, hair or vision with

our words and our power of Vidya. May the divine all inspiring God accept you. (Dravinoda)

2.3.1 The Constant Companion, the God, comes down to us like a water fall from the hills. I make that

Brahma the medicine for you so that you become the perfect medicine. (Angira)

2.10.1 Hey man! I free you from the body or genetic diseases, wretchedness, irritations by the foolish

negative thoughts, and from the noose of the judiciary. I make you perfect with the knowledge of God.

May the sky and earth be auspicious for you. (Brigwangira)

2.15.3 The way sun and moon never fear, so too, my life! never be afraid. (Brahma)

2.21.2 Hey universe! with the power of destruction that you possess destroy the shortcomings in those

who hate us and whom we hate. (Atharva)

3.8.6 With my mind I stop your mind; come following my thoughts. I take control of your feelings; come

following my path. (Atharva)

4.13.6 My this hand is auspicious and this hand is even more auspicious. They are the universal medicines

which have the power to heal on touch. (Shantati)

4.13.7 These hands with ten branches take forward what my tongue says. With these all-cure hands I am

touching you. (Shantati)

4.22.5 Hey King! for your sake I connect you to the Greatest, with whom people become victorious and

never get defeated. May He make you the most learned topmost leader.

4.7.50 In my right hand is work and in my left hand is victory. I shall be the winner of land, animals, wealth

and gold. (Angira)

7.78.1 Right here, right now I release you from all bondages. Be here free of all sorrows. (Atharva)

7.96.1 Cows have sat down, birds have entered their nests, mountains are seated, I have made my anger

and lust be seated in their right place. (Kapinjala)

8.2.24 - 25. You will never ever die, don't be afraid. Here, where God has been made the envelope of

happy life, no one dies and no one goes down into darkness. (Rishi Brahma)

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