Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

A Way to Facilitate Approvals

In life we often come across situations where we need to get approvals for our plans to be obtained from

the concerned authorities. We may be looking for approvals from the friend for dating or for marriage.

We may need approvals for our applications. We may need approvals from our parents, or from our own

mind to take a decision. Here in Sukta 7.20 Rishi Atharva addresses this task in a unique way. This method

can be applied to all problems in a general way; the basis of this is that God and Consciousness are present

everywhere in everything including the problems and solutions as also in abstract nonphysical entities,

and that we can access them and that they will respond to us. Once again, for best results the original

Suktas in Sanskrit may be used.

7.20.1 Hey Anumati! (approval, permission, consent, favorable mind) today may the learned ones approve

my action. You the great firepower are going to bring the desirable things to me.

7.20.4 Hey great manager Anumati! you are always considered very respectable and generous. Hey giver

of great gifts, please complete this great task of ours. Hey auspicious One! grant us the wealth which

heroes deserve.

7.20.5 Hey Anumati! for our task great heroes have come forward along with much physical support. Their

supportive minds have done good. May you the protector of the good support our effort.

7.20.6 Anumati has spread herself throughout in everything - whichever stands, whichever moves and

whichever acts. Hey Divine Devi! may we be in your favorable side. May you think of us favorably.

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