Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 30

In Praise of Vidya

Knowledge of the physical world and the spiritual world covering both theoretical and practical aspects is

called Vidya. Rishi Brahma calls it Gau - meaning cow the wonderful companion of man. In Sukta 21 he

praises some special aspects of Vidya this way:

4.21.1 Much desired and praiseworthy Cows have been received and they have done much good. May

they give us happiness. For the very fortunate man may she come in various forms and be fulfilling all the


4.21.3 These Vidyas cannot be stolen, nor do they get lost. Troublesome enemy cannot make fun of the

Vidya. He who has the Vidya remains with her for a long time.

4.21.4 Neither the greedy nor the unsteady gets the Vidya. Vidya comes to those who protect her purity

and spreads freely in those nations which adore her.

4.21.5 Vidya alone is wealth, Vidya alone is great treasure. Vidya is the wonderful Somaras for immortality.

I desire this greatest wealth of all.

4.21.6 Hey Vidya! you are friendly to the poor and the weak too and make them famous and rich. You

make the whole house auspicious. In the assemblies of the learned you are the only measure of strength.

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