Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 31

Starting a Business

In Vedas we can find suitable elevating energizing thoughts for every conceivable human activity. For

example, here is a set of thoughts or mantras suitable for invocation while starting a business. (Atharva).

Once again, for best results the original Sanskrit Verses need to be used, while keeping their meanings at

the back of one's mind.

3.15.1 Keeping the wealthy Vanik (God) at the fore I am starting my business. May He come within us and

lead us. Roughing the enemies and robbers, may He be giving us wealth.

3.15.2 May all the sky and earth-bound ways for conducting the business be nourishing and supporting so

that I can bring in wealth.

3.15.3 Hey Agni! with wood and ghee I am making this offering to you. I am grateful to You for giving me

the business acumen and skill through which I can run hundreds of businesses at the same time.

3.15.4 Hey Agni! you have seen the hardships we have encountered. May our deals be very profitable. Let

us enjoy them together.

3.15.5 Hey Agni! may our investment grow and not diminish. Keep away the stupid ones who may create


3.15.6 May adept Prajapathi, bright Savitha, cool Soma and able Indra generate in me full interest in my


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