Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 35

How Should the King Be

The desirable qualities of a good king have been described at length in the Vedas at many places. Surely,

at any time, the king, or the government, makes a great deal of impact on the lives of the people. Often

the king has been addressed in the Vedas as Indra or Agni or by such names which are also used to address

the God.

20.1.2 Hey respectable brave learned ones! in whose wealth you can protect respectable activities he

alone is going to be a good king. (Vishwamitra)

20.1.3 Who gives food for the strong, who gives food for the weak, who nurtures growth of wealth, who

is wise, who is bright and sharp like the fire, that king alone is worthy of respect. (Vishwamitra)

20.20.5 Hey learned ones! the great king has cleared all of our fears, big and small, from all directions. He

alone is strong and able to take care of us well. (Vishwamitra)

20.70.1 Hey King! (Indra), you grow our knowledge, the way father does to his children. You enable us to

get our education for finding our way in life at the right time. (Vasishta)

20.96.3 Men with great qualities with all their mind heart and soul extract principles and create

knowledge. A good king does not suppress their voice, instead he praises them and elevates their voice.


20.125.2. Hey King! ensure that the farmers who grow wheat, rice and such grains are prosperous and

well respected. (Sukeerti)

20.127.13 Hey King! may this land not suffer, may their wardens not suffer. Never should the lovers of

enemies, wicked persons or thieves be the rulers.

20.143.8 May food be sweet, may water be sweet, may sunlight be sweet. May the ruler be sweet, free

of distress and may we follow him.

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