The word representing the ecstatic feeling while offering something personally to God or while praising
Him or someone else in a state where one is totally unaware of oneself is the word Swaahaa. We come
across this wonder word throughout the Vedas. If you want to condense Vedas into one word, that word
would be the word - Swaahaa. In fact, all religions and spiritual practices as well as what can be called as
truly unique human qualities and quests can be condensed into this word. It is the sweetest word in the
entire universe of words in the whole world in its tone as well as in its meaning. Here in Suktas 19.22 and
19.23 Rishi Angira has shown us a few ways of its usage. Of course, to capture the full beauty one will
have to go to the original Sanskrit verses.
19.22.1 With Vedic hymns Swaahaa to the five primordial elements created by the all-knowing God.
19.22.2 Swaahaa to the Sixth (the God).
19.22.4 Swaahaa to the quality of God enabling reliable knowledge (Neelanakha).
19.22.6 Swaahaa to the lowly (Kshudras).
19.22.12 Swaahaa to the great men (great men).
19.22.17 Swaahaa to the big groups (Mahaganas).
19.22.19 Swaahaa to the scientists (Angiras).
19.23.5 Swaahaa to the eight worthy of praise (eight limbs of yoga - Yama, niyama, pranayama,
pratyahara, dharana, dhyan, samadhi).
19.23.24 Swaahaa to the two Suns (God and soul).
19.43.1 Where the Brahmajnanis with all their discipline, study and hard work reach, may God take me
there giving me the needed mental abilities. Swaahaa to the God. (Rishi Brahma)
2.16.1 Hey Pran and Apan save me from death, Swaahaa. (Brahma)
2.17. 3 You are strength, give me strength, Swaahaa. (Brahma)
2.18.3 You are destroyer of poverty, give the strength to overcome poverty, Swaahaa.
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