Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 37

Be Prepared for War

While peace is a dominant theme in the Vedas they invoke war too when needed under special conditions

such as against enemies who attack you, or those who attack women, and those who are robbers or are

demonic or devilish. Rishi Aprathiratha, (which incidentally also means none equal to him in war), says

the following in Sukta 19.13.

19.13.1 May these two shoulders be well-built, heroic, great and able to defeat the demonic enemies

when needed.

19.13.2 Among men the one who is energetic, sharp, strong like a bull, terrible, able to inflict heavy hits,

who can create havoc in the enemy lines, who never winks an eye, and to whom there is no equal has

defeated hundreds of enemies single handedly.

19.13.3-19.13.5 Hey leaders! defeat the challenging enemies by not winking even for a second, by being

fearless and energetic, by being always multiply armed, by knowing the terrain well and by keeping one's

soldiers well organized.

19.13.6 Hey friends! be joyful with this chief who is victorious and support him in every way.

19.13.9 - 19.13.11 May the heroic chief be the leader, may the advisors and guides be on the right, may

the motivators be at the front; may the heroic soldiers march ahead destroying the enemy. May the mind

of our warriors be very strong and may they be able to wreak the enemy world and save us.

Rishi Brahma says many things in Suktas 19.28-19.30. For example,19.28.9 goes like this: "Hey army chief!

for my sake destroy my enemies, destroy those who are attacking us, destroy all those with evil thoughts,

hey praise worthy chief! destroy my enemies.

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