Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 38

The Ultimate Protection Strategy

Vedas being the description of the world soaked in God, naturally show the way for ultimate protection

through God very well. Here in Suktas 19.17- 19.20 Rishi Atharva shows a simple way for this.

19.17.1 May that God with all the knowledge, (Agni), save me from the front. I keep my steps relying on

Him, I take refuge in Him, I receive that foremost power. May He save me and nourish me. I offer myself,

my mind, body and soul to Him with firm commitment.

19.17.2 May the God present everywhere (Vayu), save me in the space. May He protect me and nourish

me. I offer myself, my body, mind and soul to Him with firm commitment.

19.17.3 May the God who is the creator of all, (soma), protect me from the south with His powers of

destruction of the wicked. I offer myself entirely to Him.

19.17.4 May He, the best of all (Varuna), with all His illuminating qualities protect me in the mid space. I

offer myself, mind, body, soul and everything to Him.

19.17.6 May He with all His medicinal qualities protect me. I receive Him and offer myself entirely to Him.

19.17.7 May that universal doer (Vishwakarma) save me along with my ear, nose, eye, tongue, skin, brain,

mind and intellect and protect me from the left. I receive that foremost power of protection. I take refuge

in Him offering myself entirely with my body mind and soul to Him.

19.17.10 May that Guru (Brihaspathi), protect me from above. I move near to Him, I receive strength from

Him. I offer myself entirely, my body, mind, and soul to Him.

19.18.1 May the wicked troubling me meet with Him, (Agni), and be compelled to serve Him.

19.19.1 God, the Friend, has risen. I (Veda) am taking you to Him. You enter, go deep in. May that foremost

power shield you and give you comfort, protection and well-being.

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