Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 41

A Bouquet of Individual Priorities

Setting one's priorities right is an important aspect of the art of successful living. In this context Suktas

16.3 and 16.4 by Rishi Brahma are very useful for everyone.

16.3.1 May I be the head of wealth and head of peers.

16.3.2 May ignorance removing quality and charm never leave me; may self-confidence and thinking

power never leave me.

16.3.3 May heroism and strength of body never leave me; may forbearance and stability never leave me.

16.3.4 May the quality of enabling freedom and growth never leave me; may the quality of generating

wealth and providing support to the needy never leave me.

16.3.5 May my soul be known for great qualities, leadership and kindness.

16.3.6 May my heart be free of distress; may my road to learning be wide. I am an ocean of carrying


16.4.1 May I become the navel center of all wealth; may I become the center of wealth among my


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