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Chapter 42

About Marriage

Veda attaches great importance to marriage and discusses about it in many Suktas. Clearly marriage is

one institution whose importance did not diminish even a bit at any time. Rishi Surya Savitri describes

some aspects of marriage in a beautiful way in Sukta 14.1 and 14.2

14.1.6 When a bride meets the bridegroom let her mind be light like a scarf, let her eye be like a massage

perfume and let she herself be stimulating to the husband like what the bright sunlight is to the world.

Let the sky and earth create a cosy treasure box and place the two in it.

14.1.7 May the shining Vedavani be the bride's companion and good speech be her assistant. May good

deeds be her clothes.

14.1.8 May praiseworthy nature be the attractive borders of her dress, Vedic duties be the head decor,

fire and science be the priests and may the couple be fond of each other.

14.1.9 May the creator gift the maiden to the boy when he is desirous of a bride, when both are fond of

each other, and the maiden is admiring and praising him for the husband.

14.1.10 When the bride meets the bridegroom let her mind be the chariot, let sunlight be the umbrella

and the vitality filled couple be the charioteers.

14.1.11 Let knowledge and pursuit of the physical world and the spiritual world be the two horses, let the

two ears be like the two wheels and let the entire universe be your travel space.

14.1.12 Let your two pure ears be the two wheels, the Vyan breath flowing throughout your body be the

axle; stimulating the husband climb on to your imaginative chariot.

14.1.14 You continue your journey together with the inspiring bride on a three wheeled (devotion, action,

knowledge) chariot and reach your destination remembering where your single wheel before was and

where you should seek advice.

14.1.15 Hey auspicious groom! approach the inspiring lady with respect. May all the learned approve of

your action and bless that you become a father.

14.1.16 Hey sun- like shining bride! Brahmajnanis always know about your two wheels called devotion

and action, but only those who know the Great Truth know about the third wheel that resides in your


14.1.17 We (Vedic Rishis) worship the God who has given you this handsome protective husband. We free

you from the noose of separation but not from the bond of love.

14.1.18 I (Rishi Surya Savitri) free you from the noose of separation but not from the bondage of love. Oh

God! may this maiden beget children and be wealthy in all aspects.

14.1.22 Hey couple! stay put in the family, never be separated, joyfully playing with children, you coming

from a good family, live a long complete life.

14.1.26 Jewels are famous for their shine, dutiful wife becomes famous through her love. Her family

members prosper and the husband gets bound by love.

14.1.28 Husband's good quality lies in obtaining what wife wishes to get, in spending them in auspicious

good actions, and in forcefully overcoming all obstructions and obstacles.

14.1.29 If the above qualities are absent, marriage will be scorching, bitter and insulting. He who knows

the maiden well and can meet the above requirements should only marry.

14.1.30 In case of any hurtful incidence, learned husband should show remorse and bring gifts so that

wife does not suffer.

14.1.31 Hey couple! you bear wealth amidst truthful actions and speech. Let truthful men bless "May God

make the husband joyful for the sake of this wife".

14.1.32 Hey progressive members of the family! remain here, do not go away, help this man grow his

family. Auspicious women and learned members! apply your mind for the well-being of the family.


14.1.38 Now having become a family man, I give up all harmful habits and will make best efforts to acquire

auspicious, good habits.

14.1.40 Hey bride! may jewelry give you joy, may children give you peace; may animals give you joy, may

water give you peace; for joy and peace touch your body to your husband's body.

14.1.41 Hey highly endowed, rich husband! your wife is immensely capable in body-space, life-space and

yoga-space. Refine her in three ways through action, devotion and knowledge making her glow like the


14.1.42 Desirous of joy, children and wealth, act according to the wishes of the husband and be ready for


14.1.43 The strong ocean has created an empire of rivers. The same way, hey bride! you too become an

empress on reaching your husband's house.

14.1.44 Hey bride! you are the empress amongst my father and teachers, you are an empress amidst my

brothers and sisters, you are an empress for my mother.

14.1.48 With what force God holds the right hand of this earth, with that same force I (your husband) am

holding your hand. My bride! stay with me joyfully with children.

14.1.52 Hey bride! you are God's gift to me. May you be my nourisher. Live with me for hundred years.

14.1.64 Be attached to God from the beginning, be attached in the middle, be attached at the end, be

attached at all places. Hey joy and comfort giving bride! accessing the strong fortress of gods you be

glorious in the husband's world.

14.2.28 Hey learned ones! come together, see this auspicious bride, blessing her with Soubhagya, keep

her away from misfortune.

14.2.71 Hey bride! I am learned, you are learned. I am Samaveda; I provide comfort, joy and ecstasy; you

are Rigveda, you create happiness and comfort through knowledge of the physical world like Rigveda

does. I am the sun providing useful things for life; you are the earth, giving food and progeny. Let both of

us be active in this world and produce great children.

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