Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 46


Vedas stress the importance of brahmacharya in our lives. A glance below can make us realise how silly it

is to waste our vitality in trivial ways and to lose the great opportunities at hand. Young boys (and girls)

who are initiated to the study of scriptures, the physical world, and search of God are called Brahmachris.

In Sukta 11.5 Rishi Brahma describes Brahmachari and his activities.

11.5.1 Brahmachari wanders searching and researching on God and the physical world. Those desirous of

victory and success follow the Brahmachari who brings out the benefits of the physical world and God to

everyone and perfects their lives.

11.5.3 Brahmachari is kept inside Guru's womb for three nights for initiation. When the Brahmachari

comes out devas come to see him.

11.5.4 By his strong determination, hard work and penance Brahmachari nurtures the whole world.

11.5.5 New knowledge emerges through the studies conducted by the Brahmachari through which many

enjoy divine bliss. With the knowledge of the God and the vast universe and through intense penance

Brahmachari becomes foremost and famous. From him emanates elevating knowledge and wealth. The

divine and the learned experience joy and nectar in his presence.

11.5.7 Generating and expressing knowledge of life and God, Brahmachari becomes the womb of

immortality and destroys ignorant behaviour. Unraveling the mysteries of nature and God, emerging from

the womb of immortality, Brahmachari is undoubtedly a highly endowed individual who destroys horrible

superstitions and demonic tendencies.

11.5.8 Brahmachari protects the earth and the environment and the divine ones desiring victory align with

him. Gurus make the physical world and the spiritual universe useful. Brahmachari protects the knowledge

and good-natured ones concur with him.

11.5.9 Brahmachari takes this world as a gift and worships God with it.

11.5.10 The Brahmajnana is buried in two secret caves, one near and one far. One treasure is in the cave

nearby and the other is beyond the horizon. Brahmachari with his penance realizes and confirms both.

Brahmachari with his perseverance acquires them and makes them useful.

15.5.11 Brahmachari rightfully sits in the illuminated space between the two.

15.5.12 Roaring aloud, moving day and night, heroic like the sun, he brings in creativity all over the world.

He sows seeds on the high peaks giving life to all the four directions.

11.5.16 Brahmachari alone becomes the Guru; Brahmachari alone becomes the ruler. Brahmachari is the

teacher; Brahmachari is the emperor.

11.5.17 Through control over senses and perseverance Brahmachari nurtures the nation. King protects

the kingdom through Brahmacharya. Teachers desire Brahmachari students.

11.5.18 Through Brahmacharya alone a young lady gets a strong and rich husband.

11.5.19 Through Brahmacharya good persons overcome diffidence, laziness, poverty and death.

15.5.20 Medicines, plants, seasons, years, past and future become famous through the works of


11.5.22 The animals and living things carry their lives separately. Brahmachari works to protect all of them.

Every life under this creation separately carries and bears its life. The brahma filled in the Brahmachari

supports all of them together.

11.5.24 Brahmachari carries great knowledge in him. Glowing Brahmachari bears the knowledge of the

God. He is brimming with good qualities. He carries the knowledge of breath control, knowledge of good

speech, knowledge of good memory, knowledge of the heart, and the knowledge of God and spreads

them to all.


15.5.26 Doing all the above, standing and doing penance, he stands over the ocean of knowledge. The all

-nurturing and strong Brahmachari shines brightly over the earth.

18.2.4 Hey teacher! don't burn this student with opposition; don't put him in distress; don't let his skin or

body get damaged. Hey famed teacher! when you make this student perfect then you send him to his


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