Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 47

A Test on Self Control

Self-control is one of the essential ingredients for leading any successful life. In this context here is an

interesting dialogue between a man and a woman as presented by Rishi Atharva in Kanda 18.

18.1.1 Hey Man! I offer my friendship to you, please come close, and on this earth, create a bright and

intelligent grandson for your father through me.

18.1.2 Hey friend! this friend of yours does not wish that a firm willed person like you lose your control

and become unrighteous and fickle minded. There are enough strong, bright intelligent and famous

persons on this earth.

18.1.3 But, surely all immortal one’s desire to have such exceptional children only. Let your mind be bound

to my mind and becoming my husband you enter my body.

18.1.4 What we have never done before, certainly how can we do now? How can we lie? May I be the one

viewing good deeds and may you be famous for good deeds- let that alone be our relationship.

18.1.5 The Creator, the shining, the stimulator, the One who has given form to all of us has made us

husband and wife from birth itself. Earth and sun know this. Who can break His rules?

18.1.7 Who knows the beginning? who has seen Him? Who can talk about this? God is the friend of all,

He is Great, His bearing ability is immense. How deceitfully you are speaking with men?

18.1.8 Desire to sleep together with you in one house has bound me. May I spread my body like a wife to

the husband? Let us join like two wheels of a chariot.

18.1.9 -18.1.11 Rules of the learned do not wink or stop here, oh hurtful one! go away quickly and meet

someone else like the wheels of a chariot. In the future, a time will surely come when sisters start doing

unworthy lustful actions with their own brothers. In search of great husbands spread your arms to

someone else different from me you auspicious lady!

18.1.12 What is a brother if he does not help a sister in distress. Helpless, I am telling everything, come

touch your body with mine.

18.1. 13- 18.1.14 Hey sister, I am not your refuge, I will never touch your body with mine. They are called

sinners who touch their sisters from below. It is unacceptable for me to sleep with you.

18.1.15 Ha! you are weak, surely, I could not reach your mind and heart; some other lady will surely come

and embrace you like a creeper.

18.1.16 Hey sister! may you join another person well embracing like a creeper; may he like you and you

like him and both live together leading a wonderful life.

18.1.60 Hey self-controlled (samyami) man! you are part of the great tradition of scientists and thinkers.

Come, climb on this wide, high seat. May you be invited by great learned ones, hey King! spread happiness


18.2.12 You are protected by two dogs (day and night) in all directions wherever you go. Offer yourself

(be disciplined) day and night and generate great prosperity and health for yourself.

18.2.13 Self-disciplined persons move about in the society spreading motivation, strength, and great joy

again and again.

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