Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 49

Oneness of Mind - Samanasyam

Mental and physical conflicts due to ideological, religious, cultural or other differences plague this world.

Both the Christian and the Islamic religious texts have been rather dangerous in this aspect leading to

elimination of civilizations, crusades, jehads, world wars, terrorism and the like all essentially arising due

to the deliberate separation of others. On the other hand, Vedas are particularly effective in bringing

about oneness leading to Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. To achieve a state of well-being along with a feeling

of oneness is one of the primary themes of the Vedas. Look at this Sukta by Atharva Rishi and the

authoritative proclamation by Veda herself:

3.30.1 I bring about for you oneness of heart, oneness of mind free of hatred. Lovingly desire each other

from all directions just as cow, which is worthy of protection, loves its baby.

3.30.2 May the son behave as per the wishes of his father and be one minded with his mother. May wife

speak to her husband sweetly and calmly.

3.30.3 May brothers not hate one another, may not sisters too. Speak well becoming like-minded with

similar goals.

3.30.4 For following the Vedic paths, for never hating each other we create the way of the Veda and

correct knowledge for all.

3.30.5 Respect elders, create wealth, think high, be focused. Be together, don't be separate, speak

beautiful words. I make you one.

3.30.6 May your water sources be one, food partaking be one. Worship God. I join you together and bind

you like a rim of a wheel to its axle.

3.30.7 I make you all one and immortal like gods. May your thoughts be pleasing and joyous in the morning

and the evening.

7.36.1 May our eyes be bringing us light and knowledge; may our faces be generating progress. Keep me

inside your heart; may our minds be one.

7.52.1 May we experience oneness with our people, may we experience oneness with those who are


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