Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 50

May It Be So

There are many intrinsic desirable qualities which one would do well to possess. Here is a small list

16.2.2 May I speak sweetly with knowledge. (Atharva)

16.2.4 May my ears listen well, listen good, listen auspicious, listen success. (Atharva)

16.2.5 May unfailing light and broad vision be with me and quick listening and accepting ability not leave

me. (Atharva)

16.3.2 May beauty and the quality of dispelling ignorance not leave me; may mental strength and stamina

not leave me. (Brahma)

16.3.4 May ability to pardon and research not leave me; may ability to support the needy and grow

needed wealth not leave me. (Brahma)

16.3.6 May my heart be free of distress; may my road to learn be wide and my ability to hold be as deep

as the ocean. (Brahma)

17.1.1 May I have a long life. (Brahma)

17.1.2 May I be the favorite of the learned. (Brahma)

17.1.3 May I be the favorite of the people. (Brahma)

17.1.4 May I be the favorite of the animals. (Brahma)

17.1.5 May I be the favorite of those who are like me. (Brahma)

17.1.6 May I be placed at the top with full support. (Brahma)

17.1.27 May I be brave, highly skilled, highly endowed and engaged in auspicious activities. (Brahma)

17.1.30 May God protect me from all directions and save me from the noose of death. May the shining

mornings, stable mountains and all the forces of life be working with me from all directions in all aspects.


19.9.14 May earth be giving peace, may sky be giving peace, may the space be giving peace, may water

be giving peace, may medicines be giving peace, may trees be giving peace, may the learned be giving

peace, may all divine ones be giving peace. May we get peace with all these being peaceful. May the

violent, terrible, and cruel ones also be peaceful. May all be peaceful and auspicious. (Brahma)



I acknowledge the help of the book “Atharvaveda Bhasha Bhashyam” published by Dayanand Samsthan

New Delhi in preparing this manuscript. I am grateful to my friend Dr. V Ramesh Bhat for his

encouragement and I appreciate the help rendered by my son Chakrapani in preparing the manuscript in

this form.



About the Author

T Balakrishna Bhat graduated and obtained his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

and worked as a scientist at DMRL, Hyderabad and JPL, Pasadena. He is a Fellow of the National Academy

of Engineering.

Dr Bhat has been a recipient of several awards for his professional contributions and has published several

research papers in international journals and also patented some of his inventions. He has published few

books such as "Explosive compaction of powders and composites", "Composite Armour Materials and

Modules", "Disunity or Unity?", "Gita in 5 Minutes", "Engineering Our Way to Wealth", "Science for Babies", "Engineering for Babies", "Morals and Philosophies by Babies", "Pit to Peak", "Wealth of Mankind", "Sprouts of Wonder".


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