Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

Is God Male or Female?

Although it may be foolish to ask such a question the doubt often does arise in our minds due to various

reasons and our own limitations. In Veda, by and large, God has been addressed in male form. Many a

time God has also been addressed in neuter form and also described as pure energy, knowledge or

consciousness or even left as non-describable. But here is a very special beautiful Sukta of extraordinary

beauty and power where God is describing Herself in Her own words as female (here female gender has

been used for describing the nouns, verbs and adjectives). The beauty can be seen best in the original

Sanskrit version (4.30.) (Rishi Atharva)

4.30.1 I move with all knowledge giving and divine beings as well as the dependent worlds. I alone support

the Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Agni, and Ashwins.

4.30.2 I am the power of generating all the wealth and of knowing and controlling all activities. Learned

ones have taken me into themselves in various ways.

4.30.3 Those whom I like I make them bright, Rishis, and Brahmas. Those who do not know me weaken.

Listen able ones!

4.30.5 I bear and support the universe. For the devoted and committed ones keeping good company I gift

all nourishment and wealth.

4.30.6 I create the nurturing qualities. My creative space is the entire universe wherein I spread myself

and touch it with my wealth.

4.30.7 I alone move throughout the universe like the wind and with my glory stand above it.

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