Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

On Self and God Realization

While Veda aims at taking you to the peak of well-being in this life, taking you to the permanent state of

well-being through a full link up with God is its main aim. This transformation occurs simultaneously and

smoothly up to some stage when there occurs a sudden transition to a new state of self and God

realization. In this context some Richas by Great Rishi Bhrigu are given in Sukta 4.14 outlining the critical

knowledge and the ways to move out of yourself - body, mind and even soul - to attain self and God


4.14.1 The unborn, and free to move soul has emerged from the same God only. They who saw the already

existing God attained the quality of being Angels. In the same way men of pure quality acquired the ability

to go up.

4.14.2 Hey great heroes! with the perfected knowledge on hand, with the help of the God, you enjoy great

comfort. Moving with the learned, reach the God - the comfort and joy personified.

4.14.3 I climbed from the earth over to the middle space. From the middle space I climbed over to the sun

space. From the bright sun space, I attained God who is like a light.

4.14.6 I enable the auspicious, strong, free soul with the shining knowledge. By that, aiming at the great

joy- the God, let us search the divine space.

4.14.7 Come out of your body space. Place the head of your soul in front of you. Place the right lower half

on your right.

4.14.8 Place the mid- body behind you. Place the lower left part on to your left. Place the back bone up

over you, place the stomach below you. Hang the mid body in mid space above.

4.14.9 Cover the all complete perfect soul with your expanded energy. Now you get up from here aiming

at the perfect God and become famous with all the four attainments in life.

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