Vedic Dharma 5th Edition by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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uses discriminative intelligence

And selects the ‘Good’ over the ‘Pleasant’ path,

Whereas the greedy, ignorant and short sighted

selects the ‘Pleasant’ path

Out of his weakness to satisfy his senses.

Kathā Upanishad II-i-1

The story of Pinnochio - a wooden puppet - illustrates the struggle between going to school or to ‘Pleasure Island’. Pinnochio transforms into a donkey when he decides to go to Pleasure Island where children smoke cigarettes, drink beer, go to movies and do not have to go to school. He takes the easy, pleasant, enjoyable path ( Préyas) and gradually turns into a donkey. Later he escapes from the island, risks his own life to save his father & becomes a real ‘man’ - evolving from a wooden puppet to a living human being. This was the ‘ Shréyas

path - a noble road of great difficulty and becoming a real boy with a heart. It takes a lot of will power and self-discipline to take this path.

Another example is when we are studying, and feel tired or bored of solving a really difficult math problem. We have a choice - we can give up and watch a movie instead or read, research more and learn how to solve the problem. First one is easy and pleasant to begin with but in the long run will do harm ( Préyas). While the second one is hard and unpleasant in the beginning but ‘good’ for us in the long run ( Shréyas).

Our friends may suggest smoking ‘pot’ or drinking beer or watching a naughty movie.

Always think of ‘ Shréyas’ & ‘ Préyas’ and make a sensible choice - one that is good for you in the long run. What looks like a 'fun' ( Préyas) activity and easy path may not be in your best interest

( Préyas) in the long run. Védic Dharm teaches us ‘how to think, make good decisions in life and become ‘Noble Citizen’ of the world’.

भोग ऐ वय स ानाम् तया अप त चेतसाम् ।


का बु धः समाधौ न िवधीयते ॥

Bhog aishvarya prasaktānāṁ tayā apahruta chetasāṁ