Vedic Dharma 5th Edition by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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Vyavasāyātmica Buddhihi. samādhou na vidhiyate.

People who are engrossed in activities for fun, fame and fortune

Loose their discriminatory intelligence (about good & bad) and

Forget their important goals (purpose in life)

Cannot succeed in meditation & achieving Moksh

(liberation from the cycle of birth & death).

Bhagavad Gitā II, 44

Some of the factors that interfere with developing Vivék Buddhi are: 1. Very strong likes and dislikes for people, objects, entertainment and work.


Negative feelings like fear, anger, hate, jealousy, greed, selfish desires, and arrogance.

3. Inability to see the ‘big’ picture or the final goal.

Desires and Destiny

The word ‘DESIRE’ is used 45 times in this book and suggests the importance of learning a little more about our desires. All actions are performed because of a desire within us. Desire can be ‘ Tamasic’ (destructive), Rājasic (selfish), or Sātvic (noble). First two can be harmful to the individual and the society and the last one is beneficial to both. In the present times of Kaliyug there are more people in the first two categories. All actions when performed out of Sātvic desire which benefits all - humans, animals, plants & mother earth - is the best because they lead to purity of mind (removal of negative feelings) and benefits all. These actions are also performed without expectation of personal gain and worry about a definite outcome so that it does not create anxiety.

Dharma Shāstra (scriptures) tell us:

1. Which desires are ‘good’?

2. Which desires should be avoided?

3. How to fulfill ‘Good’ desires?

Practicing ( Sādhanā) lessons from ‘ Dharma Shāstra’ will lead to ‘Purity of mind of the person who practices it, prosperity in the world, peace within yourself, in your community and in the Universe’. It teaches everyone to live with love and respect for all and understanding about everyones’ needs. Everyone feels fulfilled, satisfied and complete. No one (individual, community or country) wants to take anything away from others. Dharma is for ‘ Abhyudaya

(progress & prosperity of all) and ‘ Nihshreyas’ (िनः ेयस = supreme happiness or bliss) - and personal evolution.

Can we create our own destiny?

काममया एवायं पु ष इ त

स यथाकामो भव त त तुर भव त

य तुर भव त त म कु ते तद भसंप ते