Vedic Dharma 5th Edition by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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Satyaavachanam iti tā asy dakshinā.

The practice of disciplined effort, charity, ethical behavior,

nonviolence, and speaking the truth

(by the graduates is the best) Guru dakshinā

(gift to teachers).

Chhāndogya Upanishad, 3.17.4

How early in life can a child start learning?

In Mahābhārat, it is mentioned that once Shri Krushń (Shri Krishna) was talking to his pregnant sister, Subhadra; about a complicated war strategy ( Chakra Vyuh or Padma Vyuh). It is about how an enemy leader can be trapped by encircling him during a battle.

The unborn child in the womb learns this and is able to use it in war when he grows up.

Early education starts when an unborn fetus is in the mother’s womb. In view of this, pregnant women are advised to listen to positive & uplifting music, read books & stories that teach high morals and ethics and avoid trashy novels or violent TV shows. This practice should be continued not only when the child is growing up but throughout life.

Keep an Open Mind

आ नो भ ा : तवो य ु िव वत : |

Roog (Rig) Véd, I-89-i

Let good (noble, helpful) ideas come from the whole world

(all sources).

Consideration should be given to helpful ideas from all sources and all walks of life with diverse points of views. This does not mean that every advice or idea proposed has to be accepted and put into practice. All suggestions are considered and properly evaluated to see if they are according to Dharma, useful to the vast majority of people and what the consequences of following them may be and then decide. Do not let others influence your basic beliefs without your thorough evaluation.