We Are A Scam by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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The Milieu

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*** The very sense of ‘I’ or me; the subjective self, as distinct and exclusive from ‘others’ is the primary scam of evolution. This is not the rule of nature, rather, an aberration, which happened and the mother of all scams; the Consciousness happened. This scam is a singular calamity for humanity. It does have a veritable charisma; hugely facilitative, empowering and satiating for those, who understand and accept the mechanism and process of the Consciousness and how it works as a beautiful Bridge between the two Milieus – Internal and External. This is what we are unraveling next…

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The questions, ‘Who Am I’ and ‘What Is Purpose of My Life’, need finality of answer. We all know, there cannot be a singular answer as consciousness and cognitions are varied and different. However, there probably is a possibility of an easy and singular acceptance of something, which is broadly tangible or tangibility-driven and therefore secularly and singularly objective for we all to accept.

There shall always be dualism about origins and purpose of universe and all lives around us, including humans. But we all can and should ideally accept that now in 21st century, there is little confusion or disagreement about the mechanism and processes of human body and mind. It does not matter whether God created humans or humans created God! It is also irrelevant whether evolution designed us or not. What matters is that we have certain and common design of body and mind and that does not anyway change; irrespective of who created or designed us. What actually matters is what we do next, with the design, as it is there.

What is therefore the primary and singular knowledge for every human being is to understand the design in entirety and holism; not with the help of perceptional and subjective knowledge but objective, verifiable knowledge of pure science. When we do this, we can easily unravel the scam of consciousness and do the needful and rightful to rise above the scam and even correct it for life-living wellness and personal excellence.

From the perspective of the human body-mind mechanism and the substantial knowledge humanity now has, it is truly of utmost utility and significance to accept that the universe too has a ‘design’, mechanism and process, like our body and mind but, it does not have a ‘meaning’ and ‘purpose’, which humans could accept and relate to, in their normal lives. Lives on Earth, or if elsewhere, too have no purpose and meaning, which we humans usually assign to these words and terms.

Reality itself is nothing and unworthy of any utility, which we understand. The interesting fact is that all meanings, all purposes, all Realities start and end with ‘I’ or self. The universe, the Earth, the lives have only those meanings, purposes, utility and worth what ‘I’ or self assigns and accepts. Therefore, if ‘I’ is in Sanity, System, Order, Righteousness, Goodness and Wellness, then only the universe, the Earth, the lives have. It is ‘I’, the self that matters and has any utility. This is the singular notion installed and elaborated 3000 years back in ancient Indian philosophical traditions of ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ (I Am God).

Now, where is the scam in it? The scam comes into play as the self, the ‘I’ or subjective consciousness, which is the sole media to which the Reality is unraveled, is never singular. The scam is that all 7.5 billion humans on Earth have different shades of consciousnesses and therefore, different cognition of the same and singular Reality. This is scam – One single and inescapable Reality, being unraveled and accepted as 7.5 billion shades of Realities! If we add into it the consciousnesses and cognitions of billions of higher living organisms like cats, dogs, elephants, dolphins etc; we have trillions of shades of a singular Reality. Every shade of Reality has a grain of the real and true singular Reality but, rest of it is a mix, as per the subjective consciousness of an individual. This is scam! And it happens because; consciousness is an emergent, evolving and intangible information processing mechanism. And, the information comes from two Milieus – Internal (body-mind) and External (society-culture). These milieus are always different and exclusive; therefore the scam…

Since thousands of years, humanity has had the critical question of who he or she is and what is his or her situation in the station of life as well as in the larger context of cosmos. Till today, most humans do not bother to seek singular, objective and holistic answer of the core questions. Naturally, as the knowledge about these core questions are very partial or at best perceptional; most people have scammed consciousnesses and cognitions. This in turn engenders hell lots of 3Cs – Conflict, Confusion and Chaos in the human world.

These questions have been the very basis of all spiritualism as spiritualism simply means deciphering the ‘Causality of Connect’ of individual with all entities in internal as well as in external milieus, extending to the universe itself. Somehow, the first part of the transcendental question as ‘Who Am I’ has been handled since long by spiritualism, philosophy and now modern science has taken over. The lateral and parallel scam is that vast majority of humans are still living with a knowledge milieu, which is centuries old and never show any willingness to update their knowledge to the 21st century facts, as made available by pure science. This is scam…

However, the second part of the question; what is the causality or context of connect of an individual with all external milieus has not been duly and appropriately handled either by spiritualism, philosophy or science. A singular, holistic and objective answer to the second part of question is a must for sustenance of personal sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. The knowledge of milieus and an individual’s context of causalities with these milieus in holism is the true antidote of the scam.

This however is another domain of impossibility. This impossibility stems out of the very contextual and relativist nature of Reality. As different people shall accept different contexts and relative positioning of ‘I’ or self vis-à-vis the milieus, there can never be a singular idea or idealism about human context of connect with external world. Moreover, as milieus always present powerful causalities to all humans living at a time and space, the ever evolving and changing milieus and their emergent trends shall keep changing individual’s context of connect with milieus and the universe. As average individual has ingrained propensity for aping or going with the mainstream, there shall always be a majority-trend that shall define, shape and design collective consciousness and cognition, which majority of individuals shall love to follow and accept.

Therefore, there is always a populist answer of what the purpose of life is and what individuals should accept as core principle of the ‘connect’ and interaction with external world. As is the rule of the Reality; there shall automatically be an antithesis of the popular view. Any alternative answer or interpretation, beyond the two, may exist and stay but shall always be a minority viewpoint and shall trade behind the populist perceptions and its inverse.

Globally, what we are seeing in contemporary world is this situation where majority of people are almost blindly in linearity and sync with populist majority worldview of accepting ‘Evolving and Empowerment’ as continuous growth of consumption and comfort. This core populist idea may have many shades and varieties, having a mix of consumption and even a rebel against it but actually, every shade shall essentially be a manifestation of the populism of consumption and comfort. There are alternative viewpoints and perspectives of human connect and context with external milieus but they are very much a minority viewpoint, only few individuals follow in their personal life-living. The scam is rooted in consciousness and it is appropriated and accentuated by the nexus of politics and commerce. The scam gets universalized…

The most critical question that humanity confronts today is, do we have a possibility of accepting that the contemporary populist viewpoint, which majority of over 7.5 billion people are accepting and following, may not be the right or appropriate one and secondly, can we have a singular alternative perspective that can be accepted as the holistic, objective and right realism for human connect with its milieus? We try to test the possibility of such a probability here.

Any model of personal sanity must take into account the bare basics of our body-brain mechanism and process as it is where Reality is created, plays out and ends, for all practical purposes. We now know a lot about how our brain works and that alone determines what possibly could be a model of personal sanity. We can say with reasonable amount of conviction that brain works on the basis of association. This process of association starts in the womb itself. Scientific researches tell us that even while still in mother’s womb, the baby begins to associate with the sound of the mother and other things in the ambient milieus. It is because brain is designed for optimizing survival and therefore, even before the child could begin his or her journey out of the mother’s womb, the brain begins to associate all information from the external milieus. The brain of the new born continues to do so up to the age of eight or ten.

This is the auto-mode learning process of brain states, especially the subconscious mind, which constitutes major portion of our early learning. The subconscious brain state ensures suitability and optimization of a child in his or her milieus by this innate, wired and automatic process of association, thus creating a pattern and plexus of belief-system, perspectives and worldviews as the child grows and attains adulthood. These belief-systems, which association processes create as auto-mode learning, engender a plexus of identities for an adult to which a person adheres to as dearly as for his or her life. These identities and belief-systems become his or her personality and subjective Reality. This is scam and it becomes a trap for him or her.

This must be understood. Every year, around 50-60 million babies are born all across the globe. Their core body-mind mechanism and processes are almost the same. It is therefore, a natural assumption that all these 50-60 million babies must grow up with singular belief and perception of who he or she is and what is the purpose of their lives. They should have common singular acceptances about personal, familial, societal and cultural ideas. They should have singular behavioral and attitudinal expressions, etc. However, we all know, it does not happen. They grow as different personalities with different beliefs, perceptions, behavior patterns and attitudes. This is the scam and this scam has its calamitous causalities on humanity!

And, we can clearly see, why this scam happens. This happens because; every child grows up in different internal and external milieus. Science confirms; human mind is only 15 percent genetic and 85 percent milieus. This is scam and it is easy to see why this scam happens. It happens because milieus – internal and external are major impact on the evolving of a human being from childhood and as the milieus are not common and singular, the consciousnesses and their cognition are never singular and common. The scam is our design.

Most troubles begin from here. The Reality is singular and innately; all consciousnesses and their cognition should have been common and singular. This does not happen and we have known why. Naturally, this dualism breeds a scam, which is the seed stuff of all troubles of humanity. This identity and association dualism breeds loads of hypocrisies and in long run traps a person in deep abyss of stupidity and insanity that the world is so full of. This itself is the mother of all scams. However, no less worse is the scam that only a handful of men and women actually have the knowledge and acceptance of this scam and its embedded troubles for self as well as the larger humanity. If we understand the design, we unravel the scam and as we decipher the scam, we have the wherewithal to de-scam our life-living.

We need to see and understand that human crisis and the resultant crisis of the human world emanate out of this ‘stupidity’ of the brain mechanism and process, which Mr. Brain thinks is the most ‘intelligent’ thing to do! Why Mr. Brain does not admit it as the calamitous scam is what we never feel the need of understanding. Why? This dualism needs to be unraveled and understood to clearly understand how the solution of everything is in our brains itself as it is our brain mechanism and process, which are behind most of our troubles and that of the humanity. Consciousness is largely brain mechanism.

Science clearly says that humans are not, by nature a logical, reasoned and receptive creature. Humans are instead totally reactive, instinctive and intuitive being. Human behavior is determined entirely by the interaction – competition, cooperation, coordination, between his various instincts, which are genetically determined neural mechanisms provided by evolution for behavioral guidance. Therefore, an adult man or woman is wired to grow as an instinctive being, if he or she is not trained for alternative intelligence, required for sanity in societal living.

It is so because evolution’s ‘intelligence’ is not aimed at making a man or a woman as a good, compassionate and righteous person. Evolution didn’t come up with these packages. Evolution was designed for singular intelligence of survival. That is why our brain is designed and genetically wired for this ‘intelligence’ of association-building and identity-generation. This identity generation ensures success of a human child in the milieus he or she has to live because human body-mind make up has evolved as gregarious creatures. That is why aping, association building with prevalent and dominant identities and belief-systems of the milieus and demography has been embedded in human brain mechanism and processes as ‘Primary Intelligence’ for survival optimization.

However, this intelligence of our brain becomes the single largest causality of most of human troubles, be it at personal levels or at societal levels. This wired ‘intelligence’ is a scam because, it is involved with and caters to only a part of the Reality and then mixes up loads of fictional and manufactured perceptional information into it to present them as one’s personal Reality. All humans are one identity as we all are created the same. However, the world we all live is huge and varied in physical milieus. The cultural traditions and practices are mostly milieu-specific. Therefore, different milieus create different subjective realities for different men and women. This is a scammed reality, not a true and real one. The Reality is that all humans are single identity and should have singular perception and belief of Reality. Knowledge is singular as Reality is singular. Very naturally, more than single knowledge and reality is scammed cognition.

This evolutionary intelligence, which engendered the scam at the first place, was good for very early lives of our ancestors thousands of years back. Modern human dates back to 4 million years and science confirms that even the modern human has the original genetic design dating back to the suitability of that time period. However, as humanity evolved, history is testimony to the fact that this instinctive design of humanity brewed all troubles for human world.

This design for associations installed in human behavior and action, a subconscious rigidity and dogmatism for ‘Identities’. This resulted into creation of tribes and reactionary tribal loyalty for the identities. Therefore, human history has been a sordid and bloody saga of wars between different tribes and identities. Modern scientists warn that this tribal instinct is still very much alive and kicking in modern human and human world. In fact, the new millennium of 21st century has witnessed the revival of identity instincts and contemporary global crisis has this very powerful degenerative and regressive reversal to ‘ethnicity’ conflict and cooperation, pushing the world into another crisis. The two calamitous world wars of humanity also had their seeds in this tribal instinct of Identity.

This identity instinct and ethnicity-loyalty is singular major insanity-point for average man and woman at individual and personal level too. Humanity has come a long way since 4 million years back, when our tribal instincts ruled us and made life-living succeed. This age-old instinct is now regressive and degenerative. This primary ‘intelligence’, which essentially is the mother of all scams of humanity, of 4 million years back is singular calamitous ‘stupidity’ in 21st century world. Our regressive and degenerative tribal instinct of rigidity and dogmatism of ‘Identity’ is surely leading us to extinction. This is evident and overly manifested everywhere – society, culture, politics, economy, markets and even family relationships. This is the biggest ‘unlearning’ challenge for humanity. We all need to de-scam our lives…

Humanity at collective levels has always been blind to these realities and remains so. Earlier humanity could probably be forgiven for pushing fellow humans into miseries of war and distress as they were not aware of the scientific facts about human nature and functioning of human mind consciousness. However, contemporary humanity cannot be pardoned for continuing to ape and even augment the same age-old regressive and degenerative stupidities and insanities.

It is tragic and calamitous for humanity that even in contemporary world, there is no single timeline that runs through all 7 billion plus people on the Earth. This is scam – a shade of the original scam of the consciousness. Most people still live in mid-ages in their ideological and perceptional world of Reality. Big chunk of global human population is living in before Christ era. Even among educated urban population, majority of people are in a timeline, centuries and decades back. They may be living with all 21st century technologies, gadgets and lifestyle choices but their mental, perceptional and ideological timeline is still 19th century or 20th century. This scam unleashes untold calamitous probabilities in human world.

This happens because of failure of humanity to integrate knowledge, upgrade it and share it with all layers of humanity.  This is also a huge challenge for larger humanity to understand and accept that Time is not about dates and year on a calendar. It is rather everything about being ‘at’ or ‘behind’ of Holism of Reality, depending upon how much ‘part’ of Reality one associates his or her consciousness with. It may be said that it is also a big blame on scientific community as they even could not reach out the scientific idea of Time, to squeeze the philosophies and faith-related populism out of its understanding among common masses. Universality of acceptance of singular Holism of Reality however has the best prospect in 21st century and this is the singular agenda for all 7 billion plus people. This is the way to de-scam our minds.

What we are trying to arrive at is that different men and women automatically and innately grow up as an ‘identity’ or set of ‘identities’. This happens because of the different tangible and intangible elements in external milieus, which a child is exposed to in his or her journey from childhood to adulthood. The external milieus may constitute of both tangible and intangible elements. However, we all know that the most dominant element of culture in the external is essentially geographical and climatic in nature. The Earth we live in is big and diverse, with different and extreme geographical and climatic zones. The cultures broadly reflect the thoughts, behaviors and action, which the geography and climatic elements necessitated. As geography and climate are the most powerful tangible elements, presenting the most impacting ‘Causality’ for human consciousness, different cultures emerged in different physical zones but they are essentially the shades of the singular Causality. However, average person is always affected by cultural ‘Identities’ and seldom thinks of the singular elementality of cosmic construct as the unifying force. This is scam and we all need to unlearn it.

Moreover, every child is born with different ‘Internal’ milieus as well. We know from our knowledge of science that there are broadly eight brain types and therefore 16 different mental attitudinal people in this world. So, we know that overall, there are seven shades or memes of Consciousnesses in this human world, depending upon the type of brain a child is born with and shades of external milieus it grows into. This construct of Causality affecting human consciousness and engendering different ‘Identities’ must be accepted and even celebrated by humanity but tragically, the identities have become the single largest source of most conflicts and chaos in human world.

We need to understand that it is only natural, innate, intrinsic and instinctively true that different shades of Consciousnesses among men and women shall evolve with different ‘identities’. This is the way Reality expresses itself in cosmos. Therefore, we all need to celebrate and respect all different identities and also keep rooted to the idea that despite differences, the ‘Causality’ of all identities is singular. We may look different with our identities and external appearances but all 7.5 billion humans are expressions of singular Reality. Reality is always ‘contextual’ and ‘relativistic’ and therefore, there shall always be different ‘identities’, which shall keep human population in competitiveness, conflicts and hypocritical stupidities. That is why the singular human enterprise in 21st century is to accept this scam of ‘Identity-Reality’, be compassionate about differences, which these identities create and keep evolving towards a singular ‘Universal Identity’ of Compassionate Higher Consciousness.

It is also worth mentioning how politics steps in into this innate scam (fallibility and culpability) of humanity to create a situation of indispensability for themselves, even while there is no role for them. It is not that politics is the lone and sole agency of using this scam for their benefit. The religion, spiritualism, economics and even psychology are equal partners in the ‘crime’. The politics is however the parent-apparent of all of them as it aligns all other accomplices to this malicious craftsmanship of creating and accentuating identities and identity-conflicts for their ‘mandate’ and ‘legitimacy’.

The idea of Nation-State and mythical idea and idealism of Nationalism are the scams, which polity created out of the mother scam of identity. The first ‘identity’, which evolution created was the entrenched Reality of Geographical-Climatic Divide. Our Earth, where humans evolved and spread, has a long history of human settlement in amazingly diverse geographical-climatic conditions. A person living in -56 degree Celsius at North Pole glaciers and another living in 56 degree Celsius at Equatorial desserts are stupendous example of the brilliance of adaptation potential of humanity. However, this diversity innately created diversities of morphological, cultural, attitudinal, behavioral, sociological and psychological identities. It was only natural that human settlements on Earth evolved with this entrenched potential of competitiveness based on ‘Identity-Diversity’ and as early humans had a tough life to lead; it was only natural that competitiveness and conflicts for available resources and survival threats has an innate and ingrained element of ever-present violence.

These primary identities naturally branched off into many others and humanity kept adding conflicts and violence in personal as well as collective spaces. However, what every common man and woman must remember that in the long history of humanity, the average men and women, living in peace with whatever they had and wherever they were, never accepted and encouraged war and violence. It was always the polity and economy, and its handful of so-called ‘warriors’, who led, funded and designed wars. The culpability with common men and women however has always been that they mandated and legitimized; even adored and worshipped those warriors of polity and economy, who won the battles, even at the cost of millions of lives of ‘other’ humans.

Human history is a ghastly and deplorable document of human stupidities and hypocrisies, which killed millions in wars and wreaked calamitously brutal experiences on billions. Early humanity, that in the middle-ages and even dark ages, preceding the age of Renaissance and Liberalism in 15-16th century surely can be forgotten and forgiven for not understanding the Reality of Universe and Reality of Humanity but there can be little justification over what the rationalists and liberals did to humanity. Now in 21st century age of scientific and objective Reality and Reason, if humanity continues to live in dark ages Time and Knowledge, then it is nothing but dead admittance that we humans are the worst species in the history of cosmos. This dubious distinction seems real and true. Living a scam and relishing it qualifies humans as the worst and most stupid species of the universe.

The political and economic scam (stupidity-hypocrisy) of Nation-State and Nationalism were created and installed in an era, when the intellectual classes had already begun to accept the primacy of individual and his/her position in all matters of societal affairs. Renaissance and liberalism accepted that affairs of humanity must be defined by secular, objective and scientific facts of life and living and not by faith and abstract mythical order. The intellectuals probably tried to install the supremacy of individual and scientific factuality in human management but they had to fail primarily because the then politics and economics did not find this idea and idealism suitable for their needs. They ensured that human societies remained divided, conflicted and violence-ridden on the basis of diverse ‘Identities’. It suited the personal ambitions and economic benefits of the handful of aristocratic elements and moneyed classes. It is manifest even to a blind, deaf and insane person that differences between people and identity-based human management suits none but polity and economy; especially those handful in leadership positions. Naturally, if average person expects the polity and economy to work for his or her welfare and wellness, then he or she is even worse than an insane person. This is scam…

Almost entire 16th to early 20th century, humanity was divided, grouped and forced into wars and other atrocities to fulfill the ambitions of a handful of those in political spheres and economic domains, to profit, by leading the masses to ‘Identity-Based’ stupidities and hypocrisies. The politics and economics of the day managed to install the stupidly hypocritical idea and idealisms of nation-state and nationalism, stoking the entrenched yet dormant divides on the lines of ‘identities’. They even used ‘Imperialism’ as a tool of nationalism and wars for perpetual mandate and legitimacy of their primacy and utility in societies. History is neatly documented with detailed maneuverings of the political and economic classes of the time in raking up identity-crises to create such stupid idealisms like nationalism and imperialism.

It is now an established scientific fact that human consciousness is essentially very localized. If left alone and not conditioned otherwise, average men and women do not bother much about ‘Others’ beyond their own family and society. They get associated and linked only to a small collective of few hundred people. It has been well documented that humanity up to 14th century was like that, irrespective of whichever territory of the Earth they lived. They were happy being connected to and associated with local groups, their small kinship or tribe and some strong leader in their small group. They had little concern with kings, kingdoms and their ambitions.

This changed as scrupulous political players of their time stirred up the ‘identity’ politics, firing up the hell of nationalistic identities and created a collective ambition of imperial enterprises to expand their national identities. They also erected the demon of wars with others so that population could be in perpetual threat and continue their mandate behind the political leadership. The economic classes, who sought profit out of this imperial ventures and nationalistic surge successfully aided and financed the politics. A small group of mercenary elements in society, good numbers of slaves and prisoners were roped in for this venture of profit. This all led to a prolonged phase in time where humanity was devastated by wars, conflicts and miseries because of the game-plan of politics and economics of their times. This culminated in two World Wars, which till date remain the darkest blot on the head of humanity. Tragically enough, most humans still do not learn any lessons from the series of scams that have robbed their dignity and peace. They rather relish the scam.

Even today, when state, governments and politics seek to continue their mandate of legitimacy, the political circle, in collaboration with economic spheres, invoke nationalism sentiments, create and aggravate identity-conflicts and perpetuate violence culture in societies. The scam themselves turn scamsters and perpetuate a series of scams on fellow humans. Still, people have little inkling about the rot.

The human nature remains essentially localized and as is the design of human consciousness, averag