We Are A Scam by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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The Media

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*** The worst of the scams in this universe is ‘I’, Self or subjective consciousness. What most of us perceive ourselves as is the biggest scam. We think, believe and accept ourselves as something, which essentially is a scammed cognition as it has only grains of Reality and majority part of it is perceptional virtuality. We think, we are the protagonist, the subject and action-person of all we do in our life-living. This however is a scam. The consciousness, the ‘I’ or sense of ‘Me’ or personal self is not the protagonist but just a ‘media’ and the real and true protagonist and subject is something else. It is such a powerful scam that it is tough to believe and accept that we are just a theatre of action and the script is readied for enactment not by us but something else. This scam needs to be de-scammed…

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Awareness is cardinal and critical for wellness and peace but this idea of awareness is probably most un-understood and mis-understood word in human cultures. Most people take this rare and labored achievement for granted. Tell a person that he or she is not aware and they shall be angry at you. Everyone has this self-sustained belief that he or she is always ‘aware’. This is scam…

This is a misconception, even when most of us always feel and believe about being aware as the subjective sense of consciousness is always muffling us, like a second virtual skin. Science has established that in our daily lives, we are ‘aware’ only for few minutes at best, even while over 98 percent of our life-living is carried out in subconscious state. Science says; awareness or conscious sense is just a fleeting and ephemeral epiphany, which needs persevered practice for prolonging it.

The primary reality is that most processes inside our body-mind mechanism are subconscious and as they are ruled by an auto-process, a wired proposition, we do not need to bring things into aware and conscious domain. Being aware is a holistic notion, which entails having conscious and definitive registry of infinite processes and causalities that work inside us and outside in external milieus. It is the level of awareness that decides the potential of empowerment of a person. There is no limit to how much and to what extent we can be aware of as there are infinite causalities and processes going on inside and outside us. Awareness is a life-long learning and unlearning process. But it has a process too. We need to know that, which begins by admitting the scam about awareness.

Scientific studies reveal that our subconscious brain states entrench communication and engender awareness in two broad ways. First stage is the first seven to eight years of early life of a child when he or she accepts all information from his or her parents, family, ambient socio-cultural-geographical milieus and this become his primary domain of awareness. That almost decides the destiny of the child as this ‘Pre-Consciousness’ awareness works as base benchmark to judge utility and worth of all later experiences and information.

However, this primary awareness can be altered later when the child is adult and his or her consciousness has matured. This can be altered only by inputting a conscious element or information of learning and unlearning and repeating it time and again. Like, nobody is born with driving skills but as we enter adulthood, we practice for long how to drive a vehicle and later, this awareness of driving becomes a subconscious task. When we achieve good driving skills, we do not even remember how we drive. But, such learning and awareness possession comes only through conscious inputting of the new desired awareness and continuously practicing it.

Our personal sense of ‘I’ or self, or call it the layers of consciousness, is just a media of the body-mind causalities. This means that we may keep thinking happily that ‘I’ or myself is seeing and accepting a Reality but the fact remains that actually, the specific Reality is playing it out using our body-mind as media to express itself in a way, which makes us accept a Reality the way we do. The evolutionary design of the layers of consciousness engenders this scam.

Over 98 percent of our daily life-living routine is handled by subconscious mind states. This subconscious is the core machine of survival design. Very naturally, it has evolved as an auto-process, doing all actions without the conscious self being aware of any of these. The subconscious works with five senses, which are the information carriers from the external milieus of the physical world and the neuron plexus which bring information of the internal milieus of body. These processes are subconscious, which means they keep happening, without we ever being aware of it. Why? We become aware of a process, when there is a situation of conflict or dualism. When, there is something, which is not yet settled (algorithmic) in subconscious, then a conflict situation is created. This conflict engenders the agency of thought, which them makes the conscious self aware. We are aware of only these miniscule conflict parts in our lives, when thoughts make us ware about them.

Like, you keep doing things with your computer. You press commands and do the right things for which the computer is programmed. The computer goes on well. You do not even remember, what chain or sequence of things you did with the computer to finish off your work. However, when you press a wrong key, supply a wrong command or do something for which the computer is not programmed; suddenly a small window shall op up and there shall be something written on it to make you aware that something wrong has happened. The subconscious also keeps doing things without bothering ‘you’ till everything is routine and well settled. Awareness is created or called for adjudication, through the process of thought, when a conflict situation is created. Awareness is like this pop up window of the computer.

It is tough to be aware of the fact that what we do and what we realize is essentially reaction of something, which plays on us to make us do and realize so. The causalities (cause-effect chain), which play on us, are intangible and it uses our body-mind as media therefore, because of the tangibility of body, we think we are doing it, even when the reality is that we are just the media. The actual and real ‘doer’; the true energy behind the action is the causalities. It is like, we see a bulb lighted but what actually causes it is the energy of electricity, which we cannot see. We see only the light of the bulb. Bulb is only the media; the causality is electricity’s own mechanism and processes, which is singular, common and objective. Medium changes and the cognition of the causality changes. The same electricity shall not light a fan but move it, in a way, which shall depend on the design of the fan. If the fan and bulb feels they are lighting and providing air; it is a scam…

That is why there is an ancient prescription to humanity – ‘Don’t Be, You Shall Be.’ The prescription is to come out of the consciousness of ‘I’ that is in an auto-reaction mode working mechanically and stupidly as ‘Media’ of twin internal and external causalities – the first causalities of body and mind and second causalities in the milieus.

Therefore, it is crucial to understand the critical ideas as why and how consciousness is largely only a media and what implications this has on our life-living. Once we unravel the scam of our consciousness, we can de-scam it for life-living wellness and excellence…

The primary thing about Self or ‘I’ is dualism of its situation or position as ‘Karta’, subject, observer or protagonist. The idea of Karta, subject or protagonist stems out of the insistence about ‘I’ or self being the only and ultimate ‘verifiability’ of all Reality. The famous quote of Descartes, ‘Cogito, ergo sum’ (I think, therefore I am) is probably that innate and embedded ‘perception’ about the centrality and inevitability of ‘consciousness’ in the scheme of idea of Reality, which probably engenders this sense of ‘I’ or self being the protagonist of all probabilities of Reality. This ‘mysticism’ is now unraveled and modern science now has enough knowledge to point out the scam (stupidity and hypocrisy) in dualism of ‘I’.

The worst scam for ‘Self’ is the perception of the expression of Self itself! This is the seed of all stupidities and hypocrisies that humanity is loaded with. The very complex and yet unresolved idea of Consciousness plays out and installs this situation and position of Dualism very intelligently and categorically. Modern science also somehow establishes that self, ‘I’ or consciousness is not automatically and innately the ‘Karta’, observer or protagonist. It is rather only a ‘Medium’. Consciousness is a medium and it itself is an emergent and evolving entity of the body-mind medium. Therefore, in a sense, consciousness – this hugely unputdownable and powerful realism of ‘I Am’, is just a medium (sub-media) within a medium! This definitely divests ‘I’ or Self off the much acclaimed ‘centrality’ and ‘preeminence’ in the overall scheme of Reality.

This primary and most critical idea of ‘Consciousness as Medium within Medium’ needs to be understood with perfect clarity. When we say, scam (stupidity and hypocrisy) is embedded in the body-mind mechanism and process, it is primary intelligence to see, understand and accept how this all are seeded and how they work out Reality for we all.

There is a very famous metaphor used by both spiritualism and science for explanation of Reality. It is about a honeybee sucking nectar from a flower. A honeybee comes flying, sits over a flower, sucks its nectar and then moves away. Traditionally, or in populist perception and linguistic sensitivity, there seems no Dualism in this act as it is believed that from the perspective of what is being observed, the honeybee is the Subject, ‘Karta’, observer or protagonist and the bee sucking nectar is clear ‘act’. Of course, the flower is the Object as it is doing nothing. The honeybee is the doer of action and therefore singularly qualifies for being the Subject or Protagonist.

The dualism however creeps in when we see and accept the other perspective that is equally true but not ‘observable’ to general sight mechanism. This other perspective says; honeybee and flower are both only Objects as the supposed ‘Action’ is being done on both equally. The action is not honeybee sucking nectar as it is only the Effect of a Cause that is actually energizing the Action. Naturally, it is this ‘Causality’, which is true Subject, Karta, protagonist and ‘observer’, as it is this Cause, which has created the ‘act’ (reaction) of this effect playing out between honeybee and flower. It is the energy of causality that created the ‘media’ of a ‘giver’ and another as ‘taker’ but both are just expressing or playing out the ‘script’, directed by the energy of causality.

This Causality (Subject/Karta/Protagonist) is the innate, symbiotic and intangible relationship between honeybee and the flower. The real and true Subject is the innately wired ‘Connect’ of the honeybee to seek nectar from the flower. Two elements are in a relationship; in a context, which is an effect of the core causality of survival-symbiosis between the two. Therefore, both the elements of honeybee and flowers are only Objects and both are equally reacting to and effecting something, the cause of which is scripted in the ‘Relationship’ or ‘Context’ between the two. This intangible Causality is the Subject and true Protagonist, not the ‘I’ or ‘Self’.

The scam is about Reality getting mixed up with perceptional elements of cognition, because of the tangible nature of the media of body-mind, whereas the real and true Subject; the causality has elements of intangibility. A bulb boasting itself as Subject, instead of the Reality of it being just an object (media) is scam. ‘I’ considering itself a Subject is a scam…

This of course is the microcosmic interpretation of the larger macrocosmic Realism. The macrocosmic Realism says that consciousness is not in flower or honeybee, even while both may be living entities. In other words, consciousness that exists in honeybee or flower is only a small and dualistic medium of the larger, non-local and non-dualistic consciousness, which exists and stays elsewhere or everywhere.

It is where the common thread of Reality between science and religion traverses. Religion says, not a single leave can move on Earth without the Will of God because, He is everywhere and in everything. Science says the same idea but in a different language. The wordings do not in anyways alter the singular Reality. Religion also visualizes God and His Will as the singular cosmic Causality and accepts human life as only a mortal and transient media, through which God’s Will is delivered. Science says nothing different; only the language and vocabulary are different. Still, most people do not see and accept this singular Reality. This is scam…

The real and true non-local and non-dualistic Consciousness is the Causality of ‘Context and Relationship’ that is just having a medium of body-mind of honeybee and flower. It is the Causality that is the Real and True Subject and Protagonist as it is this Causality (Its Will), which goes on to create the ‘Matter’ in the form of different ‘Media’ for its unraveling and final expression. This scientific assertion of Reality is same what religion says. Religious assertion is that God creates matter (lives et al) for expression of His Will. The scam enters the frame when this final expression (through matter/media) is accepted as Reality by all of us as it is what our five senses can perceive and react to. This sure is not Reality; it is a scam...

In simple words, it is the Causality that is true, real, core and critical element of Observance but is not automatically observable to we humans through our sensory mechanism and therefore does not qualify as Reality for us. However, this causality, even while being the true Observer or protagonist, requires the Media for its expression or for playing out its effects. Consciousness of living beings is the media that causality as observance uses for playing out Reality, which our sensory mechanism and processes can and does easily see, feel and accept. It is because this consciousness is also a media of our body-mind tangibility, enabling consciousness to perceive reality, thus extending it a misplaced sense of being the observer but it is not as consciousness is just media. This scam must be understood to de-scam lives.

This very notion of consciousness; this subjective sense of ‘I’ or ‘Me’, as distinct and exclusive from ‘others’, is the most crucial idea, which helps a great deal in unraveling and deconstructing the fear and denial of Death. This artistry has been understood thousands of years back by some genius of humanity. They have documented it very well and they form the core philosophy and spiritualism of Oriental thoughtfulness; especially the Yoga Philosophy. We shall deal with this issue of Death and Mortality as the epilogue of the eBook later.

Here, it is very crucial to refer to contemporary science’s path-breaking idea of quantum mechanics, which deals with the critical issue of ‘Observance’ and ‘Collapsing’ of Reality. This understanding of ‘Observer’ and its cardinal role in Reality is a must to unravel the holism of Reality and the role of ‘Consciousness’ and ‘Causality’ in it.

In quantum science, Reality, at all time and space is considered being super-positioned probabilities. Quantum science says, Reality happens as it is ‘observed’ because observance collapses super-positioning and creates a reality. Before that, Reality always stands as probabilities. Does it make us accept that Reality is not an ‘Always There’ situation, rather, Reality ‘Collapses’ as something, depending on observance? Does this mean, observance ends dualism and enters non-dualism?

The next big question is, is observance critical to Reality? It seems as quantum scientists say, it ends probabilities and installs a Reality, though for the observer! Now, there still remains dualism about the idea of observer. Who can be accepted as observer?

Majority opinion is that observance is essentially consciousness. It is consciousness that observes and installs reality or ‘collapses’ Reality. This is somewhat agreeable quantum science factuality for us. In simple terms, Reality is a dualistic, super-positioned probability at all times as elements that create reality have wave function dualism. Reality however is created or collapsed as dualism ends and superposition collapses the moment there happens an observer. And, this observer is consciousness.

Therefore, the core and cardinal element in the idea of Reality is Consciousness as it is believed to be the ‘Protagonist’ that scripts a Reality. At this point of time, we shall have to stop our focus on everything else and zero down to this singular idea of Consciousness. The scientific reality of consciousness is the most pampered subject of new millennium, even as we all know from our knowledge of human history that consciousness as a philosophical and spiritual idea has always remained with humanity since almost 3000-4000 years back. Does this itself mean that pure science never stands aloof and alienated to philosophy and rather, sort of runs parallel to it? Does the same dualism exist between science and philosophy – when something works but cannot be described how or why, it is referred to as philosophy and if it works, is empirically verifiable and is mathematically explainable, it stands as science?

Probably, even quantum scientists feel that they have rested the onus of Reality on an element of realism, which itself is by nature dualistic. Probably therefore, there is a strong advocacy by new age quantum scientists to present a valid case of non-dualistic consciousness. We need to first understand the basic hypothesis of this ‘dualism’ of consciousness, before we proceed onto larger issues.

The primary idea is, if observance is mechanism and process of consciousness, this makes observance open to dualism – Generic and Specific observance. This dualism is –

1. There is an observance of consciousness, which emanates out of functionality of five senses and sensory inputting. As brain organization at macro level is largely singular for most humans, there is a broadly singular reality of observation, like rivers, mountains and other tangibilities. This is what we may call Generic Observance. This observance is processing of common and non-dualistic subconscious mind states. No doubt, as science insists that no two minds are same, there is bound to be dualism in generic observance too. However, it may be accepted that as the differences are small and there is overbearing generalization of commonality of languages for expression of the reality by generic observation, the dualism is seldom ‘observable’.

For example, I and nine other people may see a door and because of our different mind processing of inputs from five senses, all ten may see the door differently but as this tangibility of door still shall have almost 95 percent of details as common for all ten, we all still shall call it a door as our language commonality cannot express a door with 5 percent difference as anything else! However, if any of the ten has one or two sensory organs tweaked or part of his or her brain states affected, the door may look, say 40-50 percent different. However, as all nine shall call it a door, a deviant observance shall not change the realism of the door.

Still, it is debatable whether this reality is the same for other higher organisms like dogs, elephants, etc as their sensory observation by their brain organizations are not known! Though, we now accept that these higher animals do have consciousness of varied shades. Therefore, somehow, whatever is the reality, we have to limit it to the observance of human consciousness only. That itself is a restrictive hypothesis and negates singular objectivity rule of science. Therefore, even this so-called singular Reality of generic observance may not truly be accepted as non-dualistic.

2. Second observance by consciousness is of intangibilities by conscious brain states, which is dualistic, differentiated by variegated cognitive shades, because of varied experiences and memories of experiences of every single individual. Like happiness, wellness, love, compassion, right and wrong, etc are intangibilities observed by conscious mind states and is always dualistically oriented. Like all ten people may call a door a door but ask them whether the door is good or bad, there shall be five or six different observations about the same door. Therefore, the specific observance by consciousness, as against the generic observance can never be non-dualistic and therefore realities in these domains shall never be singular. Hence the trouble for humanity, not probably extended to other higher organisms.

To simplify what we have talked so far, we need to see and internalize the primary idea that Reality in its innate and elemental form always remains as probabilities. This means, there is probably no Definitive and Singular face, shape, size and dimension of Reality that could be narrated and explained in humanly possible language of words. However, Reality Happens, or in simple sense, takes definitive dimensions of Locations as it is Observed. Therefore, Reality, in any possible way is a function of Observance. Naturally, the ensuing and inevitable question is – Who is the observer? Who observes?

The contemporary popular hypothesis is – Consciousness creates observance. The consciousness is therefore the observer. However, Reality can be singular and definitive only when consciousness is also non-dualistic or singular. Then, as we talked about how consciousness seems to have universal propensity and probability of being dualistic, there is underlying assertion that Reality therefore can never be non-dualistic and singular. Naturally, as Reality is not singular and non-dualistic, there shall always be 3Cs – Confusion, Conflict and Chaos around the very notion and realism of Reality! And, as Reality itself is dualistic, there probably cannot ever be non-dualistic and singular human world and life-living reality for we all!

To rationalize and summarize what we have discussed so far, we settle with the realism that Reality has to be singular, objective and non-dualistic. It has to be singular and non-dualistic for all organisms; not only humans. Naturally, Consciousness (not only of humans) cannot qualify to be the ‘observer’ of Reality as it is dualistic. Only the ‘Causality’ qualifies as single and ultimate observer as it is singular, objective and non-dualistic for all media of all consciousnesses. The fact however remains that as the singular-objective ‘causality’ shall express itself through different ‘media’ of different human beings, different living organisms as well as different ‘matters’, it shall have varied, even infinite expressions.

Reality has to be and is singular but its expression being subject to ‘media-dependence’, it shall be ‘perceived’ in infinite shades, each shade of reality-expression having the potential to compete and conflict with other shade; primarily because of the ‘Virtuality of Centrality’ of ‘I’ or Self. This is core mechanism and process of Reality, Causality and Consciousness, which is primarily responsible for the scam that we humans are. This scam needs to be understood and accepted to de-scam our life-living as this scam is the seed stuff of 3Cs – Conflict, Confusion and Chaos in human world.

In Oriental spiritual traditions, they called this playing out of the true and real Subject as ‘Maaya’ (the web of causality) and the material medium of body-mind effecting it, as ‘Leela’ (the effect-driven action and behavior). In Yoga philosophy, there is categorical and definitive reference to the idea of True Subject or Protagonist and also, there is an insistence to rise above and detach from all Causalities to attain the highest position that is ‘reserved’ for humanity.

This reality about self, ‘I’ or individual’s subjective consciousness being just a ‘medium’ and not the subject, karta or protagonist exposes the biggest, primeval and transcendental scam that all humans live and cherish. As a very learned man said, ‘Every race, every art has its hypocrisy. Every creature therein breathes this lie (Scam) from birth to death; lies are adapted to the mind of each race and art.’ We all think, ‘I am doing this and I am opting that’, however, the reality is that for all practical purposes, ‘I’ ain’t doing anything of its own independent accord and free will. ‘I’ is just playing out ‘performances’, which the true and real protagonist and subject – the Causality, is installing on the media of ‘I’ or Self. This in turn means, this ever-present and omnipotent assertion of ‘I Am’ is probably the worst Scam (hypocrisy) and naturally, all actions and behaviors installed and extended on the basis of this Scam are suspected stupidities of calamitous probabilities.

In most cases in our lives, we all essentially do not ‘act’ on our freewill but ‘react’ to what is presented before us. In most usual ways, we are not subject; rather object as ‘media’ of causalities. This primeval and transcendental scam of humanity needs to be understood well. We as an individual are expected to ‘own’ all our actions and behaviors and in collective space, we are actually responsible for them. However, when vast majority of all our actions and behaviors are just the ‘reaction’ of situations engineered by our subconscious self as ‘media’ and not actual ‘actions’ of our conscious self, how can we say with sense of surety and ownership that ‘I Am’ and ‘I Do’?

More than 3000 years back, Oriental spiritualism deciphered this scam about self or ‘I’ and warned humans of this primary slavery, urging for emancipation from causalities within body-mind mechanism as well as outside in the external milieus. Modern science now speaks of the same with the help of quantum mechanics that human consciousness is not the protagonist and therefore, an individual simply cannot decipher and unravel ‘Reality’. Rather, an individual being just a miniscule and ephemeral ‘media’, can only realize a part of the larger cosmic Reality and simply reacting to the causalities that it plays out as a reactionary medium.

Naturally, as different people shall have differentiated ‘parts’ of Reality, there shall never be a singular objective Reality for humanity. Different people as differentiated media for infinite causalities within and outside their internal and external milieus shall perceive Reality differently, often competing their ‘part’ of Reality to be the only true and real Reality. Therefore, human world shall always be a battle ground for 3Cs – Conflict, Confusion and Chaos; until and unless, there is a unified, singular and universal knowledge mechanism for all humanity to understand the scam and initiate tangible enterprise to de-scam our lives.

We humans have a destiny that has been scripted in disaster and improbability of sanity for which we may not be entirely blamed. It is essentially the very nature of Reality in our cosmic construct and the evolution of consciousness, which installs the Scam. Stupidity and hypocrisy is our body-mind ‘design’ and the design of the expression of Reality for us. This is unconscious stupidities, which we all are designed for. However, what we humans are condemnable for and stand liable for foolish culpability is our stupid refusal to see this Reality and not work towards a practical solution of humungous problems that emanate out of this primeval and transcendental Scam. This is culpability of ‘Conscientious Stupidities’.

When we know and still cannot understand, learn and correct our mistakes, we must qualify for being the most stupid and most corrupted living and surviving species in the universe. This is the conscientious stupidity and sincere ignorance, which humanity must shed as it can. Our consciousness has design for it too. We sure have the wherewithal in our design itself to de-scam our lives…

From this reality, the critical idea, which comes out is that every empowered human has to first detach its own ‘Consciousness’ from the Causalities of body and mind as it is the primary ‘Liberation’ of human life. However, in Yoga philosophy it is insisted that even Human Consciousness is a Media and therefore, this too has to be dumped and an empowered human must also rise above and detach from the Causalities of Consciousness too to ultimately be in Union (Yoga) with cosmic consciousness. This cosmic consciousness is probably what quantum scientists and super string theory proponents call non-local and non-dualistic consciousness. In microcosmic religious terms, this probably is referred to as God and the causalities are labeled as Design of Divinity.

It is rather interesting that the Buddhist philosophy, which emerged around the same era Yoga philosophy was consolidating, says similar things. Buddha is believed to have insisted on ‘Observing’ the ‘Causalities’ that are causing ‘effects’ within body-mind structures as well as outside in the milieus.

Buddha’s famous saying – ‘There is Suffering and it has a Cause’, probably pertains to Buddha’s personal experiences with sufferings. He probably understood as how hu