What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number


Uncomplicate the Complicated

How many times have you heard people respond to statements made with, ‘oh, it’s complicated’?

How many times have you used ‘it’s complicated’ as a reason to justify your actions or inactions?

As humans, it seems to be in our nature to complicate situations. Humans enjoy complicating things to serve their egos. After all we all feel good when we triumph over a complicated situation (you know I’m right).

Life doesn’t have to be complicated. But many make it so to justify the time and effort spent in order to get a sense of achievement. When you are afraid, uncertain, or haven’t tried something before, you try to complicate things to further justify why you should take your time before making a move. Or even worse, make a move at all.

Winners see things as they are. There are no complications, good or bad.

Everything is simple. Winners are often heard saying, ‘it’s really simple’.

They are not saying it to make themselves sound superior; they do it because it’s their reality.

To them things are really simple.

Winners know that to get what they want; they need to do certain things. They make a decision and get on with the process.

When the majority of people look for a hundred and one reasons to tie knots on a rope, winners will choose to use the rope (and its knots) to their benefit.

Life can be complicated as it is, so why add to it? It makes no sense if you choose to be a winner.

Simply put, winners know that simplicity is power.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 3.