What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number


Seek in to Sort Out

So many people are running around life wanting and expecting easy answers to their questions. They are seeking to find solutions from their outer world. What you will find in the outer world is guidance. The solutions are somewhere else. The solutions tend to be right in front of you. The solutions are actually within you.

Winners take responsibility and ownership of their life instead of what is common with the majority of people, constantly moaning, and worst yet, blaming others as to why their life is not right. When pointing the finger seems like the easiest way out, winners know that they are 100% responsible for their outcome.

Speaking of pointing the finger, take your index finger and point it at someone. Have you ever thought about how many fingers are actually pointing back your way when you point at someone as the cause of where you are in life? One whole finger points their way and yet four fingers are pointing your way. Follow your fingers because that’s where the answers lie.

Why be responsible when you don’t have to? Why bother to take ownership? Responsibility and ownership are two words most people shy away from. They are hard enough to digest, and even harder to perform.

Winners know that if they don’t, then they will simply be doing what the masses are doing. And if they are doing what the masses are doing, then they are going to get what they have, which is sadly a far cry from a winning result.

Winners have mastered being responsible, because it’s the only way to win.

Choose to be responsible for your actions. Choose to be responsible for what happens.

Choose to be responsible for your life. Choose to be responsible all the time (not just sometimes).

After all, every thing in life is a choice. Choose to be the best you can be. If your life is not where you want it to be, then look into yourself and ask, ‘what do I need to do to have the life that I want?’

You are the owner of your life, not anyone else.

Take ownership and understand that much of your life is under your control.

Winners seek in their inner world, to sort out their outer world.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 4.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Keynote speaker Kuala Lumpur