What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number


You Don’t Have to Be a Genius

Even though there is so much in life that you don’t know; you can still enjoy life to it’s fullest with what you do know whilst continuing to learn everyday.

Winners know that they don’t need to know how something works. As long as it works, and they can make the most of it, they will happily use it no questions asked.

Winners know it would be a waste of time trying to figure out why the sun rises from the east and how gravity works (unless that’s a field of interest they are studying of course). When most people look for an excuse because they want to know the ins and outs of something, winners push ahead. They know that they don’t have to figure everything out to win.

Most of us don’t know what electricity really is or how it works. Most of us don’t know how a mobile phone actually connects to a network. Most of us don’t know how the circuit board in a laptop works? Most of us don’t know the exact technicality of being able to listen to music on our iPods. Most of us don’t know how the computer really works. Most of us don’t know how e-mail, facebook and twitter really work. Most of us don’t know how a coffee machine really works. Yet, we are competent enough to use and make the most of these products and services to our benefit.

The point is; you don’t need to know everything before starting to make a move. If you have a strong why, the how will follow either by way of knowledge gained through the process, or a partner with that knowledge.

Winners take things that work for what they are without getting bogged down. If something works for everyone else and it can work for you, then use it. It’s as simple as that. Make the most of it to serve your purpose.

Winners make decisions and run with what they have. People are often offered opportunities that they let slip because they want to figure it all out before they start.

Don’t let that be you.

Seize the opportunity; push the pedal to the metal. The chances are you know more than enough to get you to your destination. And what you don’t know, you will learn along the way. You don’t have to be a genius to make the most of what is working around you.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 9.