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Winning Truth Number



Is Knowledge Power?

If knowledge was power, then how come people who are less knowledgeable, less skilled, and even far less talented than you become winners? I’m sure that you have friends who are encyclopedias of information. They can tell you everything about anything. Some have great skills, or are even naturally talented, and yet their results are far short of the knowledge they possess. Generally speaking, why aren’t they the winners in life?

I know that you have wondered how?  I know that you have wondered why?

After all, you know someone who is far more knowledgeable, far more skilled, and far more talented (yourself of course) that would have been more deserving.

The answer is simple.

Winners get into action and power with what they have rather than mull over things, think it over for generations to come, and over scrutinize a situation as an excuse not to act.

Knowing is not enough. What you have means nothing and winners are smart enough to know that life doesn’t reward those with potential. It rewards those who take action.

It’s not what you know, but what you do with what you know. It’s not what talent or ability you possess, but what you do with what you possess. For the ladies, it’s similar to having a beautiful Versace dress and not wearing it. For the gents, imagine having a Lamborghini and not driving it. The term waste comes to mind, and that’s exactly what most people do with their lives, waste it.

To know and not do, or to have and not use, is stupidity.

Knowledge is not power. The application of knowledge is power.

Winners make moves and put their Knowledge Into Action (K.I.A)

Winners run with what they have.

So start running.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 10.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Sales speaker Jakarta