What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number


168 Whole Hours in Every Week

Did I just state the obvious?

I can just imagine some of you working out what 24 hours in a day multiplied by 7 days a week is. Yes you have 168 hours in a week. I’ve triple checked it.

Time is a great equalizer amongst us all, yet winners seem to be able to achieve so much more with their time.

As my friend once put it, subtract 56 hours of sleeping and a couple of hours for being in the bathroom, one has 110 hours that they can control on how to best utilize it.

My intention with this truth is to simply make you aware of your 110 hours.

What is your excuse for why you are not hitting the gym? Starting a business? Expanding your knowledge base? Nurturing your relationships? Networking with people for your success?

There is none.

Winners know there is no excuse. Why?

Because they figure out what’s important to them, and make all the time they need for it first. They don’t fill their time up with fluff and then say that they are out of time. They block out their time to fit in what’s of most importance to them, and then, work whatever fluff that comes about around it (and by fluff I mean time consuming activities leading nowhere).

Work out where you are spending your 110 hours.

You have 110 whole hours.

Then ask yourself the following questions:

Am I best utilizing my time to reach my goals?

What do I need to spend more time on? What do I need to cut back on?

What am I committed to? If what I am spending my time on is not getting me what I want, how much longer am I going to carry out this insanity?

The answer is simple, and so is the decision to make the best use of 110 hours.

You have now been made aware. There is no excuse.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 11.