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Winning Truth Number


Everything You Do Has a Price

The price you pay for up-skilling towards a new career means less time in front of the TV. The price you pay to get good grades in your studies is missing out on time spent at the beach. The price of losing weight is the hardship of exercising and good dieting.

This is all common knowledge and many already have a clear understanding of it. In the midst of all the confusion in their minds, most people don’t realize that they are paying a hefty price for the actions they don’t take. After all, inaction in itself is a form of action. Winners are aware and always choose between paying the price for their actions and inactions.

For example, let’s choose a goal of losing 9 Kilograms in 3 months. Winners will, on a piece of paper, write down the price they will have to pay to attain their goal. On another piece, they will write the price they’ll pay if they don’t attain a goal. It will look something like this.

Price to pay to lose 9 Kilograms in 3 months:

Go through the pain of cutting back on eating rice from 14 times to 3 times a week, getting up at 6 am to face cold mornings, disciplined to hit the gym more regularly, less sleep, avoid previous junk food habit.

Price to pay for keeping the 9 Kilograms after 3 months:

Guilt, dissatisfaction when looking in the mirror, low self-confidence, feeling unattractive, sadness, anger, no will-power.

Once they have done so, winners then compare the prices on a mental weighing scale. Which set of prices is heavier? Harder? More painful? What’s their life worth? Will taking action or inaction hold them back? Which action will bring them the greatest dissatisfaction in the long term? Which will make them the happiest? Winners choose to make the smartest sacrifice.

Become aware of both your actions and inactions. Understand the price you will have to pay in each instance and make a serious decision to do what you need to do. I hope that once you have thought about it long and hard, you will realize that you just can’t afford to sit around and do nothing.

You will have to make a sacrifice. Ensure it’s a smart and winning one.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 14.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Motivational Speaker Mumbai