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Winning Truth Number


Go With Your Gut Feel

Ever experienced that sixth sense feeling? That gut feeling you followed or chose not to follow. Some of you may call it intuition.

The feeling that said, ‘Yes, go for it’. The feeling that said ‘Be careful of that person’.

Winners have a realization and understanding of going with their gut feel. If the feeling says, ‘give it a go’, then that’s exactly what they do.

In life, you will face the dilemma of going with your head, or going with what your gut feel tells you to do. In my experience, going with my gut feel has helped in many instances. If you have a feeling of doing something (and there are a thousand things that prove your feeling otherwise), stick to your guns.

Winners will often tell you that after looking at what they needed to when faced with making a decision, they ended up making the final call on their gut feel.

I am suggesting that I believe the reason we have a gut feel, is to use it. Just in the same way that we can feel if something is hot or cold. If I place my hand on the stove and feel that it’s really hot, I quickly move my hand to avoid getting burned. I act based on a sensation (move or you will have a burned hand buddy).

In the same way, I believe we must use our gut feel.

Consider what others have to say, but ultimately, I would suggest that like most winners, trust your intuition. Trust your gut and push through with your thoughts.

I have always found my gut feel to be right.

I’m sure you will too.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 15.