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Winning Truth Number


Work Your Passion

We all have passions in life. The difference is winners do what they are passionate about when most people don’t. Winners work their passion, and hence, they never see what they do as a chore. The majority however, feels like every task in their life is an unpleasant one. It’s no wonder most people are frustrated, tired and void of energy.

Coming back to weight loss, I personally wanted to lose a bit of weight and get fit at the same time. Back then, I despised doing cardio but knew that I had to burn calories. So I thought I would achieve my goal by picking something I would enjoy, something I would love. A friend suggested I join him for a few games of badminton, and before I knew it, I was hooked.

I was so passionate about being a cut above the rest, that at any opportunity, given a chance, I would be on. I would usually be called to be a substitute for a social team. On Sunday mornings I was there to play solidly (and usually the first to get to the courts) until I was asked to leave the court and let others play. When anyone needed a spare person to fill in, I would rush to play. I was simply so excited about every opportunity I was given.

When I first started playing I recall noticing many of the players had much more talent, potential and practice time than me. Yet, within a short time I had reached their playing level. Obviously many weren’t as passionate about it as I was. What they had in skills and talents, I compensated with my passion. Needless to say, I also lost the weight as a side benefit (talk about a win-win)

In life, passion outweighs both talent and ability. It’s for this reason that you would see many talented people often wondering how someone with a lot less ability or talent got to where they are. They had a reason, a fire.

When you are passionate about something, you are excited. Every task is seen as a breeze. Procrastination is at a minimal. You are not worried about failure; you are too caught up in doing what you are passionate about. Your decisions are not based on the fear of losing rather based on the pleasure of achieving the tasks and getting to the set goals.

Life and whatever you do in your time in this world should not be a chore. You will be spending a lot of time doing it anyway. Every moment should be fuelled by your passion. It’s your reason. It’s your why.

When you have passion, you make things happen.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 18.