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Winning Truth Number


The Oven

I have a friend who is a great baker and whenever we visit her place, she brings out beautiful pieces of chocolate cakes. Amazed by the texture and quality, I once asked her how it was made. She gave me the recipe and then mentioned that the crucial part was actually the time (and temperature) she left them in the oven to get it just right. She emphasized the importance of giving it the time for the ingredients to fall into place.

That struck a chord in me. So many times people put in the ingredients of their desired cake and yet are disappointed because they have not given their efforts time to set. They did not give their ingredients the 45 minutes needed to turn it into this beautiful tasty chocolate cake. They expected their cake to be ready instantly.

How much time would you need to spend to win? How much time should you allow for? How long it would take for you to pursue your passion and make it a reality? How long would your 45 minutes equate to in real life?

All very good questions, but one where there is no answer. I don’t know how long it will take you, but guess what, it doesn’t matter. As long as you are making the right moves, doing the right things, learning your way forward, doing the numbers, training hard, working your passion, then you will reach a point when the alarm rings to inform you that your 45 minutes are over, and that your cake is indeed ready.

The cliché that good things take time holds true. It might be a day; it might be a week, a month or even a year. It may take you a lifetime, but you will get there, and most important of all you will be someone who enjoys the process, for if you ask anyone who bakes a tasty cake, they will tell you that it’s in the baking process that they get the greatest pleasure.

When everyone wants things now now now. Winners learn to take action whilst knowing that their time will come. Keep doing what you need to do and you will achieve your result.

Just as you would have the patience and understanding that a fertilized egg requires nine months before a baby is born, you must develop the patience to know that your time will come, as long as you’re putting in the right ingredients.

It is not a question of if, but a matter of when.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 19.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top conference speaker Bangkok