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Winning Truth Number


Lucky Indeed

Some people just seem to have all the luck. You are lucky to be a successful businessperson. You are lucky to have a great family. You are lucky that you are doing what you love in life. You are lucky that you haven’t been hurt by the crisis. You are lucky because you are a born orator. You are lucky to have won the contest. You are lucky to have sealed some of the biggest deals around.

Most people will only conveniently see the end result? They don’t see the choices winners had to make, the time and money they invested, the blood, sweat and tears put in, the determination to keep pushing and much, much more, to be where they are today.

I was once asked in an interview whether our results stemmed from luck or hard work?

‘Luck of course’, I replied. You should’ve seen the room. For a few seconds the room was so silent that I could hear the conversation occurring up the road. I then said, ‘seriously speaking it’s both’.

After all what does luck mean? You would have heard many say that luck is found at the crossroads of preparation and opportunity.

A wise person once shared with me a definition of Luck that has since stuck with me. He said L.U.C.K stands for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. Winners work hard doing the right things and that’s why they are lucky.

My question to you is, are you Laboring Under Correct Knowledge?

I believe that the harder you work, the luckier you get, as long as you are taking the right steps. You have to ask yourself, ‘based on what I want, am I doing the right things that will get me to be lucky’?

You see, it’s like saying, you want to put on weight and you are not taking in enough calories, or a problem people are more familiar with- you want to lose weight and still are on take-away and donut diets. You have to do the right things in line with what you want in your life.

I would like to suggest that in most instances it is your choices that determine your luck.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 26.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Motivational Speaker Ahmedabad