What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number


Positivity Will Only Take You So Far

The other day I was invited over for a cup of coffee at a friend’s place, as we had not met for a long time. Naturally, when we met she was quite excited. We sat and started chatting about old times. Whilst talking she went to make a pot of coffee, she picked up the kettle, filled it up with water and placed it on its base on the kitchen bench top.

Fifteen minutes later I politely pointed out that though she had turned the kettle on, there was no sign of the water boiling.

I thought it would be best for me to get up and check on things.  Sure enough the kettle seemed to be in working condition, it was switched on and there certainly was water in it.  However, I soon realized that my friend had forgotten to plug in the kettle.

There I was, all along, waiting for a steaming cup of hot coffee only to find out that the kettle chord was unplugged.

The point I’m coming to is that the people who know me personally and professionally know me as Mr. Positive.

I am a guy who will always see an upside in a situation, but I can tell you something that I am also very aware of. No matter how positive I was, that kettle was not going to boil anytime soon (actually never) unless it was plugged in.

It made me think about life and how many people want their kettle to boil and yet have it unplugged. They seem to think just because they want it to boil, or since they have done a certain action everything else will fall into place or happen on its own.

As much as I believe in being positive (and I’m a big advocate), I’m the first to say that it will only get you so far. Sure you need to be positive in life, and expect the best, but you must back it up with action.

Turning on the kettle is part of the equation but you need to make sure it’s plugged in.

I believe that by now you must have realized that this book is action orientated, from the preface and right through every truth.

Unlike the kettle, the goals you set out to accomplish will have many more elements that require action. So, you must always ensure that you are taking the right action at the right time.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 27.