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Winning Truth Number


Really Don’t Care

What do you think Kevin?

I am always asked by a lot of clients about my thoughts regarding projects that they are considering. On one occasion I had a reader of one of my books e-mail me with a message that read,

‘I am leading the global expansion of a company who saves the average person $5-15 at the pump, truckers $100, reduces emissions by 30-100%, and extends the life of any engine by years, gas or diesel. This is non-toxic, Very ‘green’, and costs people much more not to use... Do you think there is money to be made on a product that does this? I enjoy networking and teaching people how to retire in 1-3 years. You seem very inspirational, and I look forward to your response.’

This is one of the plenty of e-mails my team fields on a weekly basis. I chose to reply to this personally. I said,

Dear friend, You are the one who has chosen to embark on this project. Do You think there is money to be made on the product? Don’t ask me for my opinion, because it will be based on my knowledge, limitations, beliefs, skills and abilities. What I believe is that if one has done their due diligence on a project, have the vision of attaining their end reward and have a burning desire to achieve it then they are destined to succeed. Because no matter what I think, and no matter who thinks what, the only person whose thoughts matter is the person who will embark on their chosen journey. Even the best of people who thought a project won’t work, were proven wrong by those who knew they could make it work. I hope you realize the message within this message.

In friendship

Kevin Abdulrahman

Too many times people ask others for their opinions and thoughts when it’s pointless to do so (this is different from constructive feedback).

Suppose I replied saying that I didn’t think it was viable. Should you give up on something if you have a clear vision of turning it into a success? What if I said, ‘yeah I think its great’ but you lack the vision, guts and determination to see it through? In any case, thoughts and opinions shouldn’t matter. If you have a crystal clear vision and you will back it up with action and determination of never ever giving up, then success is yours for the taking.

Winners do not care about what other people think of them or their chosen passion. As long as they are happy within themselves, and know that in their heart they are doing the right thing, then they push forward with it.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 32.