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Winning Truth Number


Choose the Right Station

If life was a metro station, most people get off at the ATNA station.

How many times have you heard people tell you about all the things they want to do, and end up doing nothing? Well guess what, they certainly don’t constitute winners. They are definitely those who get off at the ATNA station.

Good intentions mean nothing. Intentions don’t bring you results and the world has no shortage of people who only have good intentions. Some realize that sooner or later, the ATNA station serves no purpose, and to be able to enjoy life for what it is, they will benefit from choosing an alternative station.

Winners get off at a different station. Their station is LTMA. And in case you are wondering what the acronym of the stations are:

ATNA = ‘All Talk No Action’

LTMA = ‘Less Talk More Action’

Most people relish in the caliber of their conversations. They are crippled with the disease of thinking things repeatedly, over and over and over again. I think you get the drift.

Winners act more than they think. They move with what they know. They don’t make time for idle chat. You will notice them to be the quiet ones whose greatest joy is in getting down to business and attaining a winning result.

Winners take control, by making decisions and more importantly taking action. Compare that with the ‘watch from the sidelines and hope’ approach of the majority. Indeed winners do hope for the best, but their hope has a higher chance of becoming a reality because of the actions they take.

Wait and see is not a winning action.

I trust by now, you are living each truth that you have read so far in this book.

The true value of each truth will come out based on the actions you take.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 31.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Motivational Speaker Jaipur