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Winning Truth Number


Get to the Edge and then PUSH

A friend once told me about a quote he had read somewhere. It said, ‘If you are not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.’

As you are well aware, we are all creatures of routine. Most people are operating their day-to-day lives as though on autopilot, without getting to the edge and really pushing their boundaries to test their true abilities. Sadly, this comfort zone is where many remain trapped in for their entire lives only to look back (if they ever get the opportunity) to realize that what was deemed as a comfort zone was in fact robbed of a full life zone. To them, life was painful, but not painful enough. Things were good but not great. They fell into what they happened to be good at; rather than do something they were passionate about. Complacency and fear kept these people within the framework of living a life of comfortable misery.

If there is one guarantee that I can give you right now, it will be this. I can guarantee that every winner has had to get to the edge and push through his or her boundaries. They have had to test their potential and fail repeatedly one way or another. Winners would rather set a stretched goal and achieve 80% of it, thereby constituting failure in the eyes of many, rather than setting a goal that is easily achievable from the outset (how unexciting). Testing one’s true ability and only getting 80% of the way is a win in my eyes.

There is no joy in setting a goal that in your mind you can achieve easily. Deep down in your heart you know that it would’ve never got out the best in you. The best of you will always be brought out by being stretched. It doesn’t have to be so far out of reach, but it certainly needs to bring out what you would deem uncomfortable, testing your knowledge, abilities and skills.

Winners push to break through. They push to get out of their comfort zone. They become uncomfortable and as soon as it becomes their standard benchmark, they push to break through again. Winners are always on a journey of discovering how much more they are able to do. The Beijing Olympics was a brilliant example showcasing winners like Michael Phelps, who attained a record 8 gold medals and Usain ‘the lightening’ Bolt, who broke three world records. Not only did they break records, but they continuously strive to get to their edge, and push.

You must learn to get comfortable becoming uncomfortable. By constantly stretching beyond your day-to-day comfort levels, you will amaze yourself as to how much more exists within you. There is much more in you waiting to be unlocked.

Go ahead and unleash yourself to the world.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 34.

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