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Winning Truth Number


Do Something You Know You Can Do

Think of a time when you were really excited about doing a task. You would have not liked it but more importantly in your mind, it was achievable.

Knowing that you can achieve is imperative. The times you’ve given up on a goal is when you subconsciously thought that ‘It was impossible’ or you wouldn’t be able to achieve it. To avoid disappointment and feeling like a failure, you avoided it all together by doing what? Nothing!!! This in turn didn’t serve your purpose of winning, did it?

Let me give you a personal example. At one point I was on the heavy side and I wanted to lose weight. However every time I looked in the mirror I would see this fat slob (Hey that was the comment that was going in my head). I wanted to look and feel good but yet couldn’t see myself losing all that weight. So for two years I did nothing.

One day, I thought to myself, what if I didn’t think of the end result? What if I went to the gym and watched a 30-minute TV show whilst on a treadmill everyday. That was something I could do. After all, I would be so engrossed on what was on TV, that I wouldn’t realize a 30-minute workout. It was a small goal but it was a step in the right direction and in my mind, it was achievable. I realized that this way, I am bound to be ahead at the end of two years. Sure, it is not as good as looking great in 12 weeks like many weight challenges out there. But in reality, two years had already slipped. I was overweight and unhappy. Thirty minutes was something I could do, and that’s how I started. Eventually, after 12 months, I had reached my larger goal and lost the 19 kilograms I wanted to. I got to my unachievable goal by doing small achievable tasks, i.e. I knew I could do it.

What have you been putting off? You may have gotten excited about it, but stopped because you got anxiety attacks or a feeling of being completely overwhelmed at the thought of starting, because the thought of failing occurred.

The best way to create breakthrough results is to break down what you want to small achievable tasks and focus solely on them. That way, you can bring back the bounce in your step when doing each smaller task. By achieving these smaller tasks, you will feel good, become confident, and will be aching to take on the next challenge. One step at a time, you can conquer mini tasks and challenges, ultimately reaching a major goal.

Break down your big goals to smaller ones, and then do it without thinking any further than the task at hand. Put that bounce in your step and get on with it. Doing so continuously, will get you to your larger goals over time.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 35.