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Winning Truth Number


The Importance of Breakfast

Many of us dislike being criticized.

Who in their right mind would like to be provoked, be told that their thoughts are wrong or what they are doing isn’t up to the mark?

Well, winners do.

It’s been said that feedback is the breakfast of champions, yet the majority of people find it difficult to receive true and honest feedbacks, as it’s a blow to their ego. Winners have developed the ability to accept constructive feedback.

Why? Because for them winning is more important than their ego. They know that it’s nothing personal and it’s part of winning. I’m referring to constructive feedbacks and only from those who have the experience you lack, have a perspective to share, and more importantly, have your best interest in terms of your goals in mind (This is different from having people tell you what you should and shouldn’t be doing in life. Those are mere opinions, and from Winning The Game Of Life, you know what to do with opinions).

When was the last time you received constructive feedback for your actions?

If you want to achieve your goals you must be open to hearing how you can possibly improve. You might have a blind spot and the ability to handle constructive feedback could certainly help you. Feedback is a correcting mechanism, to help ensure you are on the right path should you deviate off course, or to further enhance what you are already doing.

Airplanes are usually ‘off course’ 90% of the time; yet, we make it from one airport to another when we are traveling because of the navigational mechanism that brings it ‘on course’. That’s exactly the feedback you need.

One of the roles I have as a coach to my clients is to constantly give them constructive feedback based on our conversations with one another. I teach my students to have fun with feedback, as they will learn a lot from it.

Feedback is critical to winning. Avoid being defensive.  Embrace the process and learn to listen actively when receiving it. The more you do so, the more honest your feedback will be.

Evaluate your feedbacks and use them to create winning results.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 39.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Motivational Speaker Abu Dhabi