What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number


To Have, is to Do. More Importantly, It’s to Be

You may admire what someone has done, become or has and set out to do the same. You are inspired and roaring to move ahead in life. You might be inspired by the wealth your friends have acquired, the sporting achievement of Lewis Hamilton, the success of P. Diddy, the time freedom that many young couples have through smart home based businesses and the like.

Most people try to model their life after the people around them, whom they consider to be successful and prosperous.  They want to have what the successful person has, so that they can do what they do, in order to become just like them. And that’s exactly why most people remain in their circle of frustration for years, because they go about the process in the wrong way.

They’ve got it all mixed up.

Here is the winning truth. You must first be the person you are wishing to model (in the way they think and more importantly act), do what that person does (and has done to get there) in order to have what the person has (the goal).

I recall speaking with a client of mine recently, where he shared with me one of his dreams. He said that he wanted to be the CEO of his own company with interest in 14 sectors of the market. He was very clear about this goal. So, we discussed how most people would carry on doing what they are doing hoping to achieve that result. They think that once they are a CEO and have businesses in 14 sectors, only then, will they do what’s needed and become (behave and act like) the CEO in charge.

I suggested that, in reality, if he were serious about winning, he would have to begin operating his days as if he was already the CEO of a large organization. He didn’t have to go out there and buy a new suit, get a new car and get new office premises. All he had to do was to first become the CEO in his mind. By then doing what a CEO would do, he would end up having his dreams. I shared with him that winners see themselves winning in their mind and then go on to achieve it in the body. The mind is a funny thing, in the sense that when you practice being who you want to be, you end up becoming exactly that, because it can’t tell the difference between fact and fiction.

Become the person you inspire to be, do what they would do, and then you will have what they have.

It’s really that simple as long as you go about doing it the right way.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 38.