What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number



One pleasant afternoon, I was at the supermarket and without thinking, I got three chocolate bars, all of which I scoffed in a span of fifteen minutes. Later, I wondered to myself why I had committed such an act? After all there was nothing wrong with it, as it had been a long time since I had a chocolate bar. But it was not in line with my plan of losing weight to reach a lean and toned body.

I told my friend about my chocolate experience and in one statement he stunned me. He told me something so simple yet it rocked me to my core.

He said, ‘It looks like you have decided to gain weight and be fat!’

I had nothing to say, even though for a millisecond I was tempted to say, ‘ No I’m not’. But I couldn’t say no, because I just devoured three chocolate bars. I knew I wanted to achieve my goal, but my action told a different story.

His statement simply reminded me of what I already knew. I guess I had to hear it from him to really have the message driven home. My action was in conflict to my plan and the end result of achieving a lean and toned body (which was important to me).

To give in to temptation had a price to pay. To resist the temptation also had a price to pay. As always there is a price to pay and when aware, I would much rather pay the price to look good and feel good.

As a result of that experience, I’m continuously working on being aware in the moment, always asking myself ‘Is my action helping in my path or is it making me go backwards’? I always know the answer and with that I follow through with my choice. Sometimes I feel like being naughty, and I indulge myself (hey you have to live and enjoy life, there is no point being miserable), but mostly I do things in line with the end result I desire.

Winners are constantly aware of their actions in order to make choices that are in line with their goals.

You must become aware of your actions. What are your actions really saying about you and your goals? Are they aligned with what you want? It’s easy enough to change when you are aware of your actions and have a strong enough reason to do so. It’s a choice you’ll have to make.

You have no excuse when you choose and become aware.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 43.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Motivational Speaker Kuwait