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Winning Truth Number


A Winning Eye

Most people think winners have it easy. They see the end rewards winners enjoy and subconsciously come to conclusions like ‘They’re lucky’, ‘It’s easy for them to say’. ‘They didn’t go through what I went through’. ‘My situation is different’.

And here is the blatant truth.

It’s not that winners have things easy in life, in fact, in many instances; it’s the complete opposite. Winners go through more challenges than an average person. Winners choose to see challenges as a way to make them stronger and smarter, whilst the majority of people see it as the Great Wall of China in front of them.

Winners understand that they have a choice in how they decide to view events in their life. Winners leave their excuses at the door, because to them excuses are unacceptable. When the majority will give you 101 reasons as to why something can’t be done, winners leave it all behind the door and go searching for solutions. They want to find a way in spite of the reasons given, rather than surrender to excuses.

Winners know a fundamental secret to winning and that’s to have a winning eye. The difference between winners and the rest is their ability to see things differently. After all, seeing it through the eyes of the majority will not help in their journey of wanting to move forward and excel.

When most people say ‘I can’t’, winners ask, ‘how can I?’ and seek to find answers. Whether they find it in their lifetime or not, is not an issue, as long as they are on a path to find the answers. In their mind, they know that where there is a problem, there is bound to be a solution, period.

When the majority of people see the word ‘Impossible’, winners actually see two words ‘IM possible’.

When the majority of people reply as to whether a solution exists, you will hear something like, ‘it’s NoWhere to be found’. A Winner would say, ‘NowHere is where a solution will be found’.

It’s all in how winners choose to see life, using their winning eye.

You have a winning eye. Choose to use it in your life.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 44.