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Winning Truth Number


Being Thankful

Thankful for what? You can be thankful for all the great things in your life, thankful for all the ordinary events, thankful for all the horrible events in your life. As hard as it will be if you are currently facing challenges, I will suggest that you must remain thankful for any event that takes place in your life.

I want you to think about this.

How can you appreciate light if you haven’t experienced darkness?

How can you appreciate the value of money if you haven’t experienced the feeling of your pockets being dried up to the last cent?

How can you appreciate love, if you haven’t experienced cruelty?

How can you appreciate equality, if you haven’t experienced inequality?

How can you appreciate the good, if you haven’t experienced the bad?

How can you appreciate happiness, if you haven’t experienced sadness?

How can you appreciate a loved one, if you haven’t experienced losing one?

How can you appreciate companionship, if you haven’t experienced loneliness?

How can you appreciate trust, if you haven’t experienced deceit?

How can you appreciate excitement, if you haven’t experienced dullness?

How can you appreciate positivity, if you haven’t experienced negativity?

I suggest that you start living life being thankful for what you are experiencing right now. Be thankful for all your struggles, as it will make you a stronger person. Be thankful for the stress in your life, for it will make you cherish the easygoing times. Be thankful for the challenges, for it will bring you its set of opportunities. Be thankful for what your life has been so far, for it will give you the experience to be a better player today.

Winners know that every experience they face has a reason for it. Yes, even the ones that tears them apart. They may not realize the reason in that moment, but when looked back some time later, they surely will. Winners are thankful for everything that has happened in their life. They are aware that the events in their life so far has shaped the person that they are today.

Be thankful before you go to sleep and be thankful when you wake up, after all, there is never a guarantee for another day. Live every day to the fullest. Combine this attitude of being thankful with your ambition of growth and you will become an unstoppable force.

Think about everything you can be thankful for. I will suggest that there is plenty.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 46.

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