What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number



If you are going to win, you might as well win big. If you are going to give something a go, you might as well give it a big shot. You must dream and you must imagine BIG. It’s a must to being a winner.

You will spend the same amount of time and energy on whatever you choose to do, so make sure it’s BIG.

You have to think BIG. You have to attract BIG. You have to be BIG. You have to bring BIG.

Most people think small because they are too afraid. They aren’t afraid of failing, but possibly how BIG they can become, and the fear that they may not be capable kicks in. What they fail to realize is that throughout the process, they will grow to become the BIG person needed to make those BIG dreams a BIG reality.

The biggest partnerships happen with the biggest people. These people have the biggest minds. They have the biggest attitudes of making it happen. They bring their biggest thoughts to the table and together create the biggest results.

Like attracts like. If you want to attract big people to work with you and support you, then you need to be that BIG person first.

Are you thinking BIG? Are you being that BIG person? Be inspiring to yourself and the people around you by thinking BIG, acting BIG and therefore being BIG.

BIG is scary, it’s thrilling, it’s filled with uncertainty and it will surely stretch you.

Playing BIG will bring out the winner in you, because it does so with every winner.

What’s stopping you from doing things BIG?

Just think of Richard Branson and the fun he is having.

BIG is where all the fun is.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 49.

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