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Winning Truth Number


We All Have Dislikes

I have had so many people tell me that they want to achieve great things in life. The only problem is that the tasks they have to accomplish to get there is something they dislike doing. I usually have two things to say.

a) Too bad. If you really want something, then you will do whatever needs to be done to get there. Winning is simple.  Nobody said it was easy.

b) Reassess what you want. The chances are your goal is not something you really, really, really, want. Because if it is, you will not put so much weight on the pain of the tasks but more so on the pleasure of the end reward.

I will suggest the same for you. Take your pick from the above two choices because winners dislike the tasks that you do too. They simply have more pleasure associated with their end reward than the pain of doing the tasks. They see themselves living their dreams and reaching their goals.  Everything else in between is simply a process. It’s just something they have to do.

I remember talking with a friend who was training for the Olympics. He would get up at 5 a.m. and go running in the cold weather as part of his preparation to ensure he was extremely fit for the big day. I asked him how he got himself out of bed in the cold morning and go running with such ease?

What he said has stayed with me as a great reminder whenever I am staring down the barrel of challenges I face to get to any of my goals. He said, ‘Kevin, you are not alone. I love my sleep just as much as you do, and a few years back, you would have never seen me get up before 7 a.m. But my dream is to get to the Olympics and I will do whatever I need to do to get there. When I hear the alarm at 4:50 a.m., I don’t hear an annoying noise. I hear that I am another day closer to living my dream. That’s how I get out of bed without thinking twice about it.’

Understand that all good things require work, just as implementing these truths that you are reading for your life. You are not alone. Winners love to do what you do and dislike the tasks you dislike too. But if there is a goal to achieve within a time frame, they will do whatever it takes to get there. Winners practice and develop a much higher association of pleasure to achieving their goals compared to the pain of doing the tasks.

They have learned to pick things that ignite them so that they can go through the tasks they dislike along the way. Find something that will ignite you.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 50.